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Believe 2014

I did like it, for a pilot it was cool. We need to see the second episode to make an honest review

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This show had so much potential, and already had a great first season.
Worst cancellation of 2014

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Great show... too bad it got canceled!
Someone needs to pick this up! Hello... #Showtime #Netflix or one of those Canadian companies like #CTV ! Come on folks!

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A lot of "Touch" in the style and sound of the intro :)

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Shout by Deleted

Who the f cancelled this show it is really nice especially the father daughter connection. Sad sad sad

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Shout by Deleted

man the networks always cancel good shows.

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where is episode 13? i've watched it, so i know it exists, but it's just... not here?

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Great series. It seems like the networks only cancel sci-fi or fantasy series' and leave on the trashy "reality shows"-too many to name.

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Shout by Deleted

Awwwn, Bo is so cute.
I really don't understand why this show was canceled. It makes me really sad.

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Shout by Deleted

Una serie estupenda. Si alguien entiende porque la quitaron, que me lo explique por que yo no lo comprendo.

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Replace a restarted boy (Touch) with a much more talkative girl and you get Believe...

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Wow, where do I even begin? This show was such a train wreck right from the Pilot. The basic premise is old wine in a new bottle. A kid has supernatural powers and of course the "bad guys" want to exploit her abilities and weaponise her and the "good guys" try to protect her and keep her safe. With the talent behind the camera, I was hoping there would be something new. By the end of episode 3, I couldn't believe what I was watching. By then it had derailed into unintentionally hilarious territory from being something promising during the early part of Pilot.

The only reason why I even wanted to watch the show was Alfonso Cuaron and Kyle MacLachlan. As a fan of 'Twin Peaks' and the character of 'Dale Cooper' which I feel is one of the greatest characters on TV of all time, I just wanted to see Kyle on TV again. But alas, he was wasted in a poorly written character.

Among the performances, Johnny Sequoyah was so good as Bo Adams. She really surprised me. I hope she joins a new show soon. Jake McLaughlin was awful initially but he did improve as the show progressed. Delroy Lindo was also great as Dr. Milton Winter.

I had no idea about all the drama happened behind the scenes like co-creator Mark Friedman left the show and the EP Dave Erickson who took over also left the show few months later and the production went on a month long hiatus. All this even before the show premiered. No wonder the show turned out the way it did.

I still enjoyed the ride as a ”it's so bad, it's good” kind of show. Thankfully they do wrap up the storylines and there’s no major cliffhanger. You could totally have a drinking game while watching this. Do a shot every time a character says "believe'. I am sure you would be pretty wasted by the end of every episode.

PS: The episode 'Perception' was originally supposed to be episode 7. Just in case if someone still wants to watch this.

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Shout by Chris

Too bad it got canceled :(
Liked the chemistry between father and daughter.

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Shout by ds1

Had a good premise. And there's where it ends with the good things.
Awfully average actors at best while mostly just plain bad, ludicrous writing, hilarious and foreseeable plot"twists".
Last episode actually was able to bump it down from 4 to 3, it was that bad. Really.
Thank god this got cancelled. I liked to make fun of it but in all honestly, even 1 season was too much of this.

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Shout by Deleted

Today episode 13 came out? Will it continue or is it a episode to close things up?

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I was very sad to hear it got cancelled :(
I enjoyed it a lot.
for people who want to consider watching it, there is an ending to the series. it is semi-open, but it does give closure.

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Shout by Deleted

This show will be missed. I started the season when it had 5 episodes and watched them back to back. Then suffered to wait each week for the next. Shame its cancelled

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Shout by Deleted

Not sure what it is about this show I like but I really enjoy watching it. Disappointed it was canceled.

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Love it, makes a change, reminded me of highway to heaven!

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I like that show already.
Good cast and nice idea.

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Tried to watch all but now stopping in the middle of the season. I don’t think anything is different from one episode to the next. Quite boring. I can understand why it was canceled.

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It kinda misses the final touch for me.

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Shout by Rayuki

wow this show is terrible lol. the acting is atrocious. started off ok for the first 30 seconds until the first 2 "neck snaps" and from there it is all downhill. has a good concept. shame it is destroyed by such D grade acting. something i would expect out of a web series on youtube, not NBC.

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im im love !! omg i don't like this kind but this is amazing

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Shout by Deleted

Why did they cancel this, this was great, new relationship between father & daughter, she was special, there are no shows like this, I love this show, very upset it's cancelled

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When does this show start airing?

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Shout by Deleted

great show thanks a lot you all

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An uninspired show that confuses withheld information for mystery, fast-paced cliches for suspense, and saccharine throwaway scenes for drama. Nearly every episode's confrontation is resolved with a deus ex machina, and most of the dialogue and exposition treats the viewer like a simpleton.

I found it boring and repetitive.

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Shout by Deleted

Great show but sad that it has been cancelled by NBC.

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I just don't like kids in TV series...

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