Personal Lists featuring...

Better Call Saul

Season 2


Seasons I have watched.




This is a list of all seasons of TV Shows that I've watched beginning to end, seasons that are in progress are not included


The chiz I watched in 2023 (excluding rewatches)


Produzioni originali Netflix


Listings here are by season unless all seasons have been watched and no more seasons of the given show are set to aire. Completed shows (all seasons with no new ones) are marked with a final score which is an average of all of its seasons. Averages with partial points < 5 are rounded down, >5 is rounded up.


Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad and El Camino in chronological order.

1970 - Slippin' Jimmy
2002.05-2002.06 - BCS s01
2002.07-2002.09 - BCS s02
2002.09-2003.03 - BCS s03
2003.03-2004.03 - BCS s04
2004.04-2004.06 - BCS s05
????.??-????.?? - BCS s06
2008.09-2008.10 - BB s01
2008.10-2009.02 - BB s02
2009.02-2009.04 - BB s03
2009.04-2009.07 - BB s04
2009.07-2010.03 - BB s05 p1
2010.03-2010.09 - BB s05 p2
2010.09 - El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie


Taken from

If you are a little acquainted with the substance of the series and have a lot of time, then we have devised the perfect chronology for you to get the most out of the Breaking Bad franchise! It involves a lot of back and forth and switching between the two series, but it is the most wholesome viewing experience that you can have.

It is divided into three binge sessions with intermissions in the middle to let everything sink in.

Here we go!

Binge 1: Stops after watching Breaking Bad s04e07

Binge 2: Stops after watching Better Call Saul s06e09


Shit I watched in 2023
