This Axelrod-less season of Billions was as tame as a drugged kitten sleeping on a catnip bed and this finale episode was as lame as the infamous one-legged bowler during the 1851 championships. Suffice to say that the show, unsurprisingly, lost it's luster and it has become nothing more than a string of attempts at being cool but never getting even close... Oh sorry... has become a show that is like that guy of whom all the girlies said he was pretty fly... for a white guy.

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That was disappointing.. It's actually sad to watch :(

1. Crypto thing. They just found someone on the dark web to hack cold storage crypto wallet. Really ? He try to brute force PIN that's got 10 attempt before random encryption. This scene is really bad not showing any really way how it could be done.
2. He sacrificed 3 billions without knowing that it would put Chuck out of his way. Jesus, that was the dumbest thing I have seen in this show.

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This would have been a good ending with Chuck in jail next season looking at Chuck dealing with loss maybe bring Axe back but no they had to go another route. Im going to pretend it ended 50 minutes in cuz their ending felt unreal. Also where was Wendy?

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I agree with Mansemet…the first episode of this season, I told myself not to watch the rest, but I couldn’t resist…Bobby Axelrod’s character taught me so much…I’m a black guy raised in the ghettos…Bobby Axelrod affected me like Denzel Washington…I have nothing but respect for him as an actor…Mike Prince character, and quite honestly, the actor himself, made my stomach hurt…thumbs down on this season…Mike Prince should have been a black man.

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What a shit ending to a season finale. Disappointing.

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So messing up the conclusion is like committing a crime. You're making the audience look like fools, and it'll come back to bite you. Previous episode 10/10, last episode 1/10.

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I get it is for dramatic effect, but the logic of randomly attempting 10 password attempts on all drives all at the same time to reduce my total attempts to 10 for all 12 drives as opposed to doing this one drive at a time and having 120 attempts.

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What the fuck did I just watch. Why did u fuckers waste my time, only to get to that stupid ass ending. Nothing in this show makes any sense. Terrible ending to a horrible season.

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Well that was terrible had enough of the lengths Chuck etc will go to to trap and see the worst someone could be pushed to. This show died with Axe leaving, Chuck seems to never take a fall it’s beyond realistic and boring now. Please call this and spare us the morbid attempts to see a once great show be what it once was.

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Another liberal bullshit show. Chuck continues to act like he is still the AG and the acting AG goes on like she's the actual voted in AG. Lets break the law to enforce it.. but hang on, we forgot to write in the bit that the rich guy hasn't actually broken any laws.

He can't be busted for making a profit on something and not declaring it until he actually sells said profit making scheme. If you buy a stock and it triples in value you don't actually make a profit until it's sold and THAT'S when you declare the profit and pay your taxes. Guess the writers are just lazy and make shit up as they go along.
So done with this show.

0/10 for this crap episode

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I am done with this show. Chuck is a private citizen who holds court with public officials and get them to provide false warrants and he extort and is generally a complete ahole.
Not to mention the stupid dialogue and ridiculous macguffins like the encrypted drives they "cracked" in 6 hours, yeah right.
This show has become a farce. And not an entertaining one.

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