Shout by Sunny Senpai
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-03-27T04:54:04Z— updated 2017-03-31T04:11:43Z

Everything lines up! Poor Mayfair ;-;

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Shout by Deleted

My all time favorite show. Love the cast, chemistry and believable plots. It's a great show.

Footnote: WHY is it NOT on Netflix?????

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This show is way better when it's not being a prodedural. Or when they at least shake it up a bit

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Can anyone identify the handheld shortwave radios they use?

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First off, the budget for this episode must've been low as it only took place in the FBI headquarters. Not really an issue I have a problem with. Secondly, Kurt and Jane run up 70 flights of stairs or however many it was and once they're at the elevator they're BARELY breathing hard? Come on. And finally, the shaky-cam during the scene where Natasha and Bethany are exchanging heated words and the zoom-ins on their faces combined with the shaky-cam was annoying. There was no need for that, at all. And Audrey's (actress who plays Natasha Zapata) exaggerated acting during that scene and pronunciation of "Guerrero" was so bad. There's no way that's the natural sounding pronunciation of the name by Audrey. Therefore, saying it that way was probably in the script. Why? Lame episode.

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So predictable. I miss Allegiance.

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Shout by Zoe

Good one, gotta love bottle episodes, although for one of those, the characters could've interacted more; not just about the case, but on a personal level.
They had a good tool with the bottle trope and did not take proper advantage of it. Oh well. Thrilling episode nontheless, as always with this show.
The final few minutes got me hyped for the incoming finale.

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It is bottling episode that people are forced to speak. Do you not do them guards at the door?

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