Shouts about...


Season 5

I think this was the worst season of the show. And the fact that it's the final season, too, didn't do it any favors. The undeniable fact is, it made it worse. The only feeling I ever got while watching it was the subtle relief that the show has ended. But the way the show ended was admirable and worth giving the writers credit for. That aspect was the highlight of this final season.

But if I were to be gracious, there were various moments scattered throughout the season that were good, I guess. Other than that, very uneventful, forgettable, and tedious, which was only amplified with this being the final season.

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Comparing this to the previous seasons, this is the worst. IMO the first episode was excellent but everything after just went downhill so fast.

Kurt never fought as well as he used to; his peak was S2 or S3 I think? Before he spent all his money looking for Jane. By the end, I thought he would have a comeback. Also, I noticed in the finale he noticeably gained weight. I'm not sure if he had physical issues idk.

Although Jane finally fought well in the finale she didn't fight well at all the rest of the season, and although the finale fight was good, it was way too noticeably a stunt double.

The finale was a let down. It was really cool that they brought back the old actors, but they didn't really contribute to much. The happy ending was an alright send off, but idk why they needed to add the alternate ending of her being dead in a body bag. I mean OK that's how it started, but so what? Why else would anyone want that ending unless they don't like Jane so much or something.

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100 episodes for a series that with only 50 episodes could have been an interesting proposal for a police series. But the interest in stretching plots that became increasingly absurd, led to make the show a joke of itself.

From the moment the main plot ended, "Blindspot" did not find the right vehicle to remain interesting. After a forgettable fourth season, the end of an aimless series seemed necessary. The final season has been, however, the worst, mediocre, with a low budget and absurd decisions (it does not make sense that if there is no budget you will take the story to "international" locations).

The last episode, however, is what it should have been all season: a nostalgic proposal that, within its scant plot (it seems that finding the bomb was the least), has offered moments of remembrances and references. But a series must end when the proposal runs out. A lesson for the future.

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