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Bloom Into You 2018

The first episode of this anime series belies how good this series really is. Quickly move on into the meat of the drama. Based on a manga, this series explores so much about personality, what we craft, who we are and how it effects our ability to love. (This series and the response I’ve observed to GAP THE SERIES also made me wonder if Asians have a much more fluid lesbian culture than the west) I give this series an 8 (perceptive) out of 10. [Drama]

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A beautiful story! I find the beginning of the story kinda hard to believe, but it ended up in a really nice spot. The sad part is that the anime stops right at the best part of the manga.

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Good story but it was a little boring. First episode was good, then it got boring, around the middle it was good again and near the end boring again.

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Beautiful Story! but a little short for how the things were going in the end. They could have extended it to 24 Episodes and should have given more of the story from the manga.
Anime is till Chapter 24 (Vol 4) of the manga so i am looking forward for another season of this anime.

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