Remember Gene's Halloween costume was Fiona Applesauce....

The closing credits song was sung by Fiona Apple based on a song by The Coupe De Villes from John Carpenter's movie, "Big Trouble In Little China."

Here's the Fiona Apple song, "Pig Trouble"

Getting her to sing it was supposedly a big catch.

Here's a short Fiona Apple posted Oct 20, 2019 to foreshadow her performance:

Another time they did a song called "Oil Spill," which was based on a song, "Icicle," by Tori Amos.
Megan Mullaly sang, "Oil Spill,"

Tori Amos "Icicle" (1994)

I'll let you decide whether "Icicle" has the... hidden meaning which "Oil Spill" clearly does.

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Great Nightmare on Elm Street references all through this episode!

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Two things to love here - Louise being unable to prickle Tina's finger, and it's 9-armed incarnation. Love it!

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Fiona Applesauce! I love Gene’s pop culture references

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