OMG...WOW... now THAT'S a season finale!!!!
wow, wow, wow!!!
I can't believe I fell for the psychiatrist trick!

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NO NO NO NO they can't do that. Too much to fit in to one more season.

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Well... I'm almost certain this new psychologist is the serial killer... to be continued...

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Are you kidding ME???
This... was too much!!

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Maybe it's because I'm sleepy but there were way too many jump scares in this episode. That ending. The next season is going to be interesting.

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Most unbelievable last 5 minutes of this entire series.
Could the team be any more dense and out of character because the plot demands it?
I think not. Just as Brennan behaves irresponsible throughout and Booth runs with it for plot reasons only.
The writing has been on a steep decline this entire seeason and has its climax - so far - in this episode.

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OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! SERIOUSLY I'M SHOCKED. This was GOOD. It's been a while since a Bone's episode was this good (it's been a while since a Bone's episode was good at all -not meaning that episodes became bad either, just "meh" or "that was ok. I even laugh a little once"). I'm looking forward the next season, and for the first time since I found out that it would be the last one, I feel kinda sad about it. I hope they give us the final season this series deserves.

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How can you fucking end the series like that? This is the mother of all cliff hangers. Damnit

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