Shouts about...

BrainDead 2016

After watching Mary Elizabeth Winstead on Late Night with Seth Meyers, where they showed a clip and she explained the premise, I'm really excited for this one! It'll be great seeing more from Nikki M. James as well, as I've only caught her on The Good Wife.

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Shout by T-TOWN
BlockedParent2023-10-30T17:25:00Z— updated 2023-11-27T21:04:08Z

i think this show was ahead of it's time. watching this in 2023, i couldnt stop laughing.

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Had absolutely no idea this show existed. The first half of the season definitely felt more enjoyable than the second. The episode song recaps were great as well.

I was starting to tire of the female lead being stupid and the lack of continued vigilance. Fact is felt like plot quality took a hit second half. The show however still felt like an enjoyable miniseries instead of axed series.

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The only bad thing about this show is, that it only got one season.

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Ahead of its time. More 2021 than 2017.

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Wish i watched this live......this show is brilliant & awesome....wish this show got renewed

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This show is awesome...wish i watched this show live , and got more seasons.....brilliant and awesome

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I loved this show. So lame that it got cancelled.

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I think it's good, at least the first episode was. Zombie-esque with some understated humor. Would have enjoyed a season opener of 2 episodes back-to-back, just 1 kinda left me hanging. Fast forward 6 months from now and this'll be enjoyably bingeworthy ;-)

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I don't know about this one yet. Saw the pilot and it didn't grab me. Might need to give it another try based on the reviews in here.

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One of the most creative, fun, smart and original shows to have graced our TV (or computer) screens this year. In a time of dreadful sequels, prequels and remakes, this fine collection of 13 exquisite episodes was as refreshing as it can get.

I recommend this show to:
- bored sci-fi nerds
- Democrats
- Democrats in the company of their Republican buddies
- sakura enthusiasts
- members of The MEW's Gams Appreciation Society

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I didn't know this was a reality show style documentary about Washington politics. The current electoral fiasco makes perfect sense in light of the insects we now know are in their brains.... Bug Queen President for 2016 ! ! !

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Brilliant show...enjoyed the whole series...totally ninja

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This was just brilliant. Made even more amusing by the current situation in the USA (sorry, anyone in the US who reads this). Highly recommended, and kept the humour going right to the very end.

You need to watch this before the US 2016 election - then all will come clear...

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I'm not sure who categorised this as a drama/horror, but it should be relisted as Dark Comedy/SciFi... I like this show. There's been a number of times I've enjoyed a number of good belly laughs out loud. I hope we see a season 2.

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Shout by Kevin Cador
BlockedParent2016-08-12T17:26:52Z— updated 2017-11-14T20:34:27Z

This show is awesome. The first episode you wonder how they are going to do more than 3 episodes on the subject. After the 3rd episode you just want to listen to the "previously on braindead" song. Good writing, good acting, funny moments, awkward situations and unexpected tensions are what makes this show great.

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Absolutely incredible genre-defying blend of suspense, sci-fi, and comedy, one of the best shows I have seen since 24 and Game of Thrones. Something completely new, and with the comedy not in any way lessening the suspense. For the first time ever, even the episode recap at the beginning is actually worth watching - with an original funny song at the start of each episode. Very original and unpredictable - unlike most pandemic, zombie or invasion show and movies. The alien parasites bring to mind the Animorph novels from childhood, instead of zombies, thankful, which have been overdone. It includes incredible performances by leads from Monk (Tony Shalhoub) and 10 Cloverfield Lane (Mary Winstead).

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Shout by Rachel Thompson
BlockedParent2016-08-01T06:16:16Z— updated 2016-08-24T15:34:04Z

This show gets better and better each episode. So funny and awkward, I can't wait to see what they'll come up with next.

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A really amazing show. I always can't wait to the next episode.

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This show is equal parts West Wing/House of Cards meets Jon Stewart meets Good Wife meets iZombie. Who would think CBS would've come up with a whole new genre: Political Satire Sci-fi Horror? The writing is intelligent and compelling. Brain eating alien ants have taken over our's's wonderful. I hope this show makes it past the first season...I can't wait to see what happens!

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I can't understand the criticism... This show is literally AMAZING!!!! I think u need to change ur point....

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Shout by Deleted

I understand the "weird" idea, it would look good and appeal to me in a Movie but not on a tv show.

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I really liked the first episode, but with Tony Shalhoub, I thought there was going to be more funny. I can't wait for the next episode. #ShiftvW8

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Shout by Deleted

I felt it was a good start. The central premise of an alien entity taking over humans to, presumably, subjegate the planet is a bit threadbare though. Hopefully not so much that it can't be made unique in its own way by a well thought out story, interesting characters and good acting. So far I've seen evidence of all three.

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