This episode is way better if you have already wachted the show.

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Shout by Darth

40 mins of Walt chasing a fly…

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Even at this stage of his career, Rian Johnson was already collecting a lot of backlash because of his idiosyncrasies. Wasting the time of the audience to make an art piece about the mortality of a deranged man and his relationship with his student based in the worst aspects of the American Dream. Fascinating.

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I like this episode a lot.

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Shout by ShoMok
BlockedParent2021-04-29T01:07:35Z— updated 2022-03-06T23:13:05Z

You can tell who directed this episode by how much it added to progress of story. Fell asleep three times.

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this peak television right here

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Shout by Miletos

Worst episode of the show

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I will make it count.

This episode is epic!!!

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It’s not filled with new revelations which feel significant. It’s more a crystallisation of Walt’s state of mind and for me very satisfying. The scene in which Jesse was up on the ladder and Walt nearly at the point of both sleep and admitting that he stood by while Jane choked was fascinating. Jesse smacking Walt in the face with his fly swatter was appropriate revenge while Walt’s initial tumble was a moment waiting to happen.

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If you didn't enjoy the episode then it just means that you don't enjoy some good character development. The ending was phenomenal, I really hope they eventually get to the point where Walter reveals the fact that he let Jane die, that conversation is just waiting to happen.

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Funny how the majority of comments here are hating the episode, meanwhile I found it to be the best and most interesting since 2x09. The only two episodes I've actually enjoyed so far. Both similar in structure of just Walter and Jesse in one place conversing and reflecting. Also this is literally the first time since the start of the show that I've felt sympathy towards Walter. Him trying to pin point the moment his marriage fell apart was really sad.

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really? worst episode ever made

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Man, people have strong opinions on this. I don't think it was brilliant or genius—it's a little too on the nose for that—but it wasn't the worst episode ever either. There's been action filled and plot relevant episodes during which I've been more "bored." This at least was emotional, gave some food for thought. Walter talking about how he has missed the perfect moment to die was really tragic and hit close to home. All in all a nice change of pace. But God, Jesse, why you always lyin'.

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Worst episode of BB? My ass.

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Tbh I knew nothing about this episode when I watched it. I thought the fly was forshadowing that something intense was about to happen in the lab. I legit thought that the fly contamination might have some sort of a domino effect on the meth production, but unfortunately I was wrong. Not the absoulute worst episode I've watched so far, but definitely could've been a little more interesting.

I did love the absurdity over Walt's obsession with the fly though. Jesse thinking Walt had gone mad was extremely entertaining to watch.

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i think this episod have been made just to show how brilliant the dialogue writing is, and how the actors can carry by themselves an episode with minimal plot

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I watched it knowing it's considered the worst episode of Breaking Bad but it's not that bad. I kind of like it. Not for impatient people. The subtext was missed on them.

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Best episode of the season so far. I don't understand why a few people who commented on this episode didn't like it. Sure, this whole episode revolving around a fly is a bit silly, but I found it very humorous. And I liked how Walter and Jesse bonded nearing the end.

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this episode was really similar to ,,4 days out”

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This is probably my favorite episode so far, damn this was good

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«I’m saying I’ve lived too long. I mean, you want them to actually miss you, you know? You want their memories of you to be... But she just won’t—

«Ho vissuto troppo a lungo. Uno vuole che sentano la sua mancanza, è così.»

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Worst episode ever. I just dont understand why it was made

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This episode seems to be added just to complete the number of episodes in the season. Seriously, an entire episode revolving around fly? I know the creators wanted to portray the state of Walt's mind, but an entire episode dedicated to it seems unreasonable. Just when it looked like the series was getting interesting they introduced this.

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this episode is boring AF

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this is a bit boring :(

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I don't really like this episode. I've heard several people call it "genius", but it really isn't in my opinion. I've never been so bored while watching an episode of Breaking Bad. This really is a filler. It's not like I want thousand things to happen in one episode, but there was like 1 interesting conversation ..

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Great slapstick, monologues, and a crystallization of Walter and Jesse and their state of mind in this place and time. What more could you want?

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I was laughing so damn hard.

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74 | This episode is so unnecessary. It felt like a bonus video from DVD. The main part of this episode is Walt's apology is not as strong as it should be. But it was still a fun episode to watch because of Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul's chemistry.

Rating: 73.35

25%: 2
50%: 2.3
75%: 2.2
100%: 2

Favorite Character

  1. Jesse Pinkman: 2.5
  2. Walter White: 2.3
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Different episode for sure.. enjoyed it though. I’m glad Walter told Jesse some part of what happened that night.

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Don't watch it with headphones on... Jesus!

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I can see where Walking Dead 10x21 got it's episode idea from. As with that episode, apparently this is considered to be the worst episode of the show. And despite that, I personally really enjoyed it. I'm glad to see that some others do too.

I dunno, I prefer meaningful speeches like Walt talking about missing his "perfect moment to die" and good storytelling like Jesse talking about his Aunt and the (o)possum over an action-packed sequence, though of course there's a place for that too.

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I choose to view this piece of execrable fanfic as not canon

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«The universe is random. It’s not inevitable. It’s simple chaos. It’s subatomic particles in endless aimless collision. That’s what the science teaches us».

«L’universo è casuale. Non è inevitabile, è puro caos. Particelle subatomiche in una collisione continua e senza scopo».

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This episode was like a theatre of the absurd.

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This is genuinely top 3 maybe top 1 episode for me, i just really really really love the ending conversation between jesse and walter while walter is being 100% honest and falling asleep. Almost makes me cry evertime.

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