“The watcher’s back on the clock. And just when you were thinking career change… Thinking of becoming a looker… Or a seer.” - Xander

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"Welcome to the Hellmouth petting zoo."

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Oh wow. Some friends she's got! And a gaslighting hypocrite for a mom!:rolling_eyes:

I just can't seem to forget, for the life of me, how fcking easily these people got off the hook in this episode for how they acted around and towards Buffy. No one quite understood the flaw in their argument, no one learned anything new. I'm so mad at them right now I feel like, unlike Buffy, it's gonna take a lot for me to kiss and make up with these people. Giles is the only person at this point that I love other than Buffy. The rest of them can get fukced.

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Xander's little joke with Buffy and SMG's laugh while they were seated beside one another on the couch felt like real life rather than the Scoobie Gang, and Giles' moment to himself in his kitchen to take in Buffy's return was wonderfully heartfelt, as short as it was. And his menacing smile with Principal Snyder was delicious.

The whole emotional showdown with everyone and even Joyce felt really off-base though, and like it was played up to be way more dramatically chaotic than it should have been. It really was a surreal "poor Buffy; everyone except Giles can fuck off" moment. It's like they forgot to put a part in the last script revision about the mask making everyone crazy. Other than that it was fine. Especially Cordelia. In her dress. At the party. Goddamn.

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xander harris & willow rosenberg i will see you in hell.

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Hmm would this have been any better if I was still a teenager. Doubt it. Totat it's just absolutely awful and really makes much sense.

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Giles is the only motherfucker I respect

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Kind of surprised I handled this so well, but it helped that they weren’t bitey zombies.

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