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Calls 2021

I don't care what other people say or think about this show. But for me this was amazing i really loved the story and the weirdness. I watched everything in one day because i could not get enough of it. Loved every minute of it.

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very much in the vein of creepy fiction podcasts and honestly delightful for it. i love this particular genre that relies on audio only to convey horror and suspense, it makes for such a great experience.

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It is the first time when ditched the show after first episode. It should've stayed as a script. It doubt it would even be a decent podcast. It really is terrible. Maybe it would be a bit better if you could just listen, but you actually have to read, because creators think that 21st century telephone technology is so bad, that it still makes all the cracking sounds, that's barely possible to understand what is said. 1st episode supposed to be some Sci-Fi, but it was utter nonsense. Completely wasted 13 minutes of my life.

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Series that requires a lot of attention, because you do not see the characters, you must pay attention to what you hear and the lines and colors that appear.

You can easily lose the thread if you do not have a habit of watching series with some complexity, this is really not suitable for everyone.

Series with episodes of short duration and that can make you lose if you do not see them all and if you do not pay attention.

Science fiction well run, many people will not like it, but it is really an innovative series and very well worked, in addition to the fact that the plot is well spun.

Super recommended series, but of course it is not suitable for all people, it must be seen paying a lot of attention because it is above all about reading, listening to sounds and observing images and colors.

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it started great THEN they tried to explain it... (went kaput)

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[Apple tv+] This kind of "visual podcast" manages to maintain suspense through stories connected by a main science-fiction plot that explores interdimensional communication. Less profound than the French series, and more interested in creating an experience of tension through dialogue, it works better with two or three voices. It improves on the visual part, taking inspiration from the designs of the '60s and' 70s.

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I watched this on my phone with earbuds and noise cancelling. It's really weird and a whole new experience than other shows, but I really liked it. Some moments gave me goosebumps and I just wanted to see/listen to the next episode and find out what was going to happen next and how it would all come together eventually. It didn't disappoint. I doubt a second season of this kind of show is fun when the surprise and freshness is gone. My advice: keep it like this. It's a gem.

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Very different show about multiple dimensions and time "warping", I guess. It was kind of an audio anthology series or at least that's what I thought until the individual stories came together in the final episode. It had a decent ending.

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Awesome! Really well done and entertaining. Stick until the end and last episode things will start to make sense and you'll understand everything that was going on in the previous episodes.

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I think this is a TV show for cell phones. I tried to watch it on a TV and it did not get the same effect. It needs to me watched with a noise dampening headset. Interesting way to tell a story,

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this was actually a really good show!! I was a little iffy about it reading the synopsis, but I'm really glad I at least tried one episode because I finished the whole season

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