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Candy 2022

Looks like another must watch show to binge on.

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Pretty decent crime drama. It got so slow in the middle but the 5 episode format was perfect. The acting is great. The haircuts are hilarious.

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thought this would be a show i'd dump after 1 episode based on lukewarm reviews but man this was so much better than the reviews lead me to believe, kept waiting for it to go off quality-wise but it never did. you can quibble about how explicitly gory it needed to be given it was based on true events with real victims and at what point it slips into exploitative territory but that didn't really bother me (understandable if it did others)

Jessica Biel - best acting I've seen from her, never expected much from her acting-wise and she really surpassed my low expectations
Melanie Lynskey - reliably good, easily switching from oh-god-I-hate-these-type-of-people to feeling bad for her and back again
Pablo Schreiber - daddy
Jolly Green Jizzface Jonads Jonah Ryan - dude was so nice as a dad
Justin Timberlake - his appearance was mad distracting

directing & editing on point too

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Great show, so good acting. 5 episodes is perfect, no artificials sides stories.
Must watch!

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It is really really slow. Episodes 2 and 3 don't actually add anything to the story so they can be skipped entirely and you will miss nothing.

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Leave it to Jessica Biel to make Candy Montgomery sexy.

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Good acting, good story. Based on a true story except the bits they made up.
Keeps you engaged right up to the end. Not your typical lame TV show.
Definitely worth watching.

I just watched another TV show and one of the people kept hushing the woman and all I could think was - what would Candy do?

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Nice mini-series. Good acting, good visuals.

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It gives the impression that the way of narrating the story seeks more to extend the plot to five episodes than a true proposal with narrative intentions. But at least it holds up in four remarkable interpretations of complex characters, which nevertheless end up developing. The references to "The Shining" (1980), which premiered the same day the murder was committed, are at least cleverly subtle, thanks to the episodes directed by Michael Uppendahl.

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Good show, amazing acting, especially Jessica Biel, she should win an Emmy

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This show is in love with the Ax Murderer and can barely hide its disgust with the victim. Completely tasteless.

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It's a compelling story, although it truly made me wonder what parts were "fictionalized" as each episode opens up with. To me shorter would have been better as there is a lot of fluff that seemed unnecessary, but I'm a bigger fan of the investigatory side of things.

I also felt as though there were some weird organizational choices, and would have preferred more dates than the continual "2 Months Later...2 months later... 2 months later."

In truth you could probably just watch episode 5 and get the main gist/ gory details of the events. It was a decent enough watch though, I enjoyed it more than I didn't.

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Great production value. Jessica is great. They tried really hard to make her look like an average plain housewife and it almost worked. Super duper slow though. I gave up half way through episode two but read comments that 2 and 3 are slow and unimportant so I’m going to skip to 4… brb

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I really loved this series. Candy was all jacked up for sure!!

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