Shouts about...

Charmed: Season 1

1x01 Pilot


Shout by onlime

Expected to read some outraged comments of butthurt Trump fans here and was not disappointed.

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Reading the comments here made me like this pilot even more! LOL

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1st episode was decent.
Hopefully they lay off all the feminist / SJW garbage and focus more on story & character building.
Sadly it's difficult to find new shows that aren't ruined with the "woke" bullshit.

I'm going to give the show another chance but I fear it will continue with the agenda and die an early death.

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despite hearing its not good, I was really excited to watch the show. I love witches and there's not that many that's great. I figured a new show would be good.
I don't mind the "woke" aspects people are complaining about (could have been done differently though to fit casually) but I'm not sure that I like the cast that they chose.
more importantly, I do not like the direction they went in it in regards to how its made. they made it really cheesy. as much as stuff in the 90s was cheesy, it was different and i miss it because they had a more gritty feel instead of this disney younger audience vibe. I'm not really interested in another copy paste CW superhero show. I wanted something different. :( a new season of Witches Of Eastend would be nice

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people really rate this show good so far, what's wrong with you :-D

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Well of course, men are bad, one sister is, of course a scientist, one's gay, the other I don't know, didnt watch with too much interest. ingredients of so many shows today. nah. and I just don't like any of the characters so far. better watch the original once again :-)

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As a fan of the original series I found this episode very disappointing, As mentioned by others the feminists aspect is a deterrent, it feels forced and it just doesn't belong in this story. The feminist aspect should have been understated as in the original series, its already there without having to point it out constantly.

The jokes also felt poorly written and ill placed. The effects were bizarre and far from seemless. The effects were much better in the original series, again being understated, instead of being the focal point as they are (the demon is a perfect example)

I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

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fire the costume designer the detective is way to young and dresses not like a detective. in the original the detective dies so hopefully same happens here

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still think it is a bad knock off please cancel early. or recast

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Total Garbage.
Fist things first, i was a very big fan of Charmed before, and this is a big let down. This is an insult to the original Charmed. Disappointed is an understatement. The Power of 3 isn't even enough to save this show. A "funny", feminist reboot of the original series centers on three sisters (1 black, 1 lesbian and 1 "angry" (?), in a college town who discover they are witches. Between vanquishing supernatural demons, tearing down the patriarchy, and maintaining familial bonds, a witch's work is never done. I have no idea what this show is trying to do or say and for who it was made for but it's quite awful to say the least. Packed with bad dialogue, confusing plot lines, overstuffed political agendas and just a bad pilot and reboot as a whole the return of the beloved sisters is one heck of bad one.

The CW should be ashamed for putting this garbage out.

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Okay I'll admit when I saw the first trailer I vowed this would be garbage but I gave it a shot and it wasn't that bad. You can't compare it to the original that would be unfair. It's been 20 years a reboot is fine, times have changed. It has its teething issues but I like where they're going with the characters and the effects weren't too bad. Nice to see a bit of a step up and one of the sisters being a scientist trying to make sense of it all.

Harry is a bit insufferable but the ending has me intrigued. I'll give ep 2 a watch next week I think!

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Enjoyed this first episode quite a bit, it was much better than I feared it could be. Most shows that are now considered be-all-end-all cult shows, just like the old Buffy and Charmed, all had weaker first seasons, let alone first episodes, so I'm hoping this is a good sign for things to come (and for other upcoming reboots like Buffy and Sabrina) as this was not a terrible episode at all!

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actually it's easy. a show is shitty, when they're using their smartphone flashlights :-D that's always silly doesn't matter which show.

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I'm European and no trump fan, and still agree most of the comments. buffys gonna suck huge too I bet :-P

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it doesn't have characters you like... they don't feel like sisters, but 3 girls who know each other. they can't act well. producers seemed to put too much into one episode. it didn't happen gradually. even if it wasn't called charmed.... it doesn't capture my attention. but since I am loyal to the original. sometimes a show needs to have a few episodes to develop into their characters. so I'll watch more for now to see if it gets any better.

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Coming soon as well. Politically correct Buffy. Which I am sure will be just as decent but also just as unnecessary. Can’t they be original when they are going for diversity?
Anyway, I knew the mom was a goner. I did see the original. So seems like the same plot so far.
Just the girls with all “M” names instead of “P” names. With one black and one a lesbian who’s a feminist who protests.
Seems like that’s about the only reason they made this. To be PC, not to please fans of the original.

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The acting is much, much weaker than in the original, cgi was over the top and the demon kind of resembled the white walkers from GOT, it was laughable. I also did not like that "advisor to witches" (what's up with that btw) and how they got rid of orbing. But, Charmed was one of my favorite shows growing up, so I'll give this reboot a chance. Hopefully it will improve and get an interesting storyline. The ending of this episode did kinda make me want to check out the next one.

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There was enough in this first episode to keep me watching. i just hope they dial back the amount of preaching from one of the characters and that the whole series isn't about all men not respecting women's decisions.
I watch TV for entertainment, not a lecture about on why all men are evil

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It wasn't terrible but it wasn't great. I didn't like the way Harry was introduced. They fill the show with hints and nods towards the "me too" and woke type cultural phenomenon. Then they have Harry start things off by kidnapping them and tying them to chairs . Just seemed off.

I also question using the half sister bit right off the bat. The original saved that in case one of the actresses dropped out.

I'll need a few more episodes to see how I feel about the sisters.

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Shout by Siren
BlockedParent2018-10-15T04:59:32Z— updated 2024-01-15T12:01:49Z

Trying too hard not to judge it based on one episode only! But..
the "vibe" of the show is way different and demons look more like x-men than an evil creatures.
Being a faithful Charmed fan I really wish somehow it will work and if it doesn't still hope this attempt won't stop them from trying
to bring charmed back again. I'm praying that this works out and doesn't ruin the charmed legacy and it appeals to newer generations.

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