listen. a lot of lesbians hate patriarchy and toxic masculinity, but the way that they're writing Mel is just... way over the top.

"I don'’t need a big, strong man to help me make a salt circle." is just one of the many lines that Mel had on the show that are just... plain dumb, in a lack of a better expression. If I were to struggle w tons of salt bags and a man twice my size offers to help, I'd let him have at it. Lift dem bags for me since u have 3 times more strength than me.

There's nothing wrong w accepting help from a man if he's in a better position to finish the task. I'm sure 95% of lesbians would agree with me.

tl;dr: Feminism is great, but being rude to men and bashing them for no reason when they just wanna help is like...... not feminism. it's stupid af. dem writers need a better perspective bc they're making us lesbians look dumb.

As for the rest of the show, it's nice. I'm not super impressed but it's a fun show to watch.

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I'm not liking the relationship between the whitelighter and the witches. Some of it has to do with Mel's over the top feminism but not all. It seems to scolding and petty.

I am liking the longer story arc.

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The best one so far. Even if Mel’s over the top feminist lines are annoying. Not sure why some Sabrina reviewers compared that to this. When that show is definitely not over the top feminist and a better witch show.

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