this episode really got trakt transphobes out of their cages huh

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First of all, the only thing remotely feminine about Susie was the name. It was really apparent since the pilot that she pretty much fully identified with typically male stuff. From her physical look to her interests and likes. Becoming Theo is really the most obvious thing that could have ever happened.

And what's the point of Theo nailing the basketball tryout if he's just gonna suck in every game from then on? I'm all for girl power and gender equality, but that was just plain stupid. Being excluded for being a girl is wrong. Being excluded because you're the worst at basketball is a perfectly reasonable argument to keep someone off a team. This particular event made a mockery out of the fight for gender equality. Not cool, Netflix.

Also, are we all supposed to just forget the Christmas episode ever happened? The characters seem to have done so. Smh

At least there's Nick. I seriously hope the show doesn't ruin him for shock value or something equally dumb.

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OK episode... it's so slow it gets boring sometimes. I hope they bring more excitment to the show soon.

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Since it’s from the Riverdale writers. It’s starting to show with over the top girl power and PC moments.

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Conservatives and rant against PC, name a more iconic duo eyeroll

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After a long hiatus, I came back to this show for some more harmless fun satanic stuff, but I was so disappointed to see that they've resumed focusing on the arrogant, self-righteous feminism and overblown SJW crap that plagued the first episodes of the season. Makes one wonder if they're writing a show or building a political manifesto.
Apart from that, fun satanic stuff, indeed!

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No one can possibly be surprised over Theo being a thing. They have laid that plot point out pretty heavily to the point it got a little ridiculous lol. But sure, she is a he now, I am cool with it. Why make him go on a basketball team if he suck and Sabrina need to cast spells to even get him on it? That was another SJW agenda, as so many things seem to be on this show.

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Hail Satan and Hail Theo! Heck yeah! :sign_horns:

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Not as compelling as the first season. Sabrina interfering with Susie (Theo)'s basketball game was blindingly stupid. How is he supposed to compete when she's not around to cast a spell on her every time? Sabrina vying for Top Boy is mildly interesting, as is her relationship with Harvey and Nicholas, but none of this matches season 1.3/5

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I really wanna like the show but this episode is a disaster. Political correctness all over the place. A girl with the size of a dwarf wants to join the basketball team. The coach says she cant because she is a girl. In the end women unite to get her into a test match and with Sabrina's spells she hits the basket.

Except for the gay brother and Sabrina's two love interests there is like not a single good man in this show they are all-out evil.

I love the the story and all around the witch stuff. But its really hard to watch it as a man especially THIS episode.

PS: Dont get me wrong its all fine the Susie -> Theo stuff or the gay brother or whatever, these are all fine to me but the fact that almost all men are written as bad guys shows how sexism (especially on netflix) really looks like these days.

4/10 for this episode

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