A bit of a disappointing ending. Now we have to wait a whole year for another 6 episodes?

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This season was a 10/10, can't wait for season2 Always thought Mason was the one that betrayed Citadel.

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Carter and Nadia's faces when they saw Mason and Celeste family reunion was precious lmao! This show is like Dynasty or Dallas with espionnage!

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Shout by kinky

OK, back to being a fun, mindless, dumb action spy show. Yay! But you can't fool me, Citadel, you're still really a soap opera, at heart. Unlike others, here, I did enjoy this action packed and emotional season finale, tying things up with all its predictable twists. The thing is, now that the series would finally have a chance to go up a notch and become really interesting (because of Mason), they put it on hold and give us a spinoff next year, instead? Lame move, Citadel "spyverse". Lame move.

Well, see y'all next year, for us to likely try and figure out, again, who's in a relationship with who and whose baby is that and who has a father that's actually the daughter of their nephew who works for the competition but in truth is the CEO of the company your cousin delivers pizza to. Damn! They should hire me to write this garbage for the show.

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When Mason showed up for lemonade with Dahlia, I understood everything. Too late? Perhaps yes. But what a shitty ending to just show who let the info go to manticora and that's it. I do not accept it!

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Of course, they get back their daughter... who recognizes Nadia as her mother even though Nadia hasn't seen her since she was 6 months old... right. The conveniently stolen warheads aren't mentioned again after they got rid of the child's kidnappers.

I kind of liked the twist at the end, although it was obvious where this show would go from the beginning. Not sure yet if I'll tune in for season 2... or rather the continuation of season 1 since this is pretty much an end without ending anything. As said before, with proper episode lengths the story so far could have been told in 3 episodes with another 3 to actually reach some kind of (temporary) conclusion to some of the plot points. Instead we just stop at a cliffhanger that doesn't resolve anything.

However, I do know that I won't watch any other incarnation in the Citadel-verse.

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should have been the strongest chapters and they were not. The justification of the mole is laughable

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I fell asleep while watching

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That wasn't really an ending as much as it just kinda stopped. Probably also didn't help matters that the grand twist reveal was something you saw coming 3 episodes ago.

The show was entertaining enough to just watch, but this episode was a wet fart.

I don't know how a series this mediocre, with six 30-40 minute episodes cost so much money. Somebody at amazon needs to be fired.

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The "big twist" was so utterly predictable, which was a shame because if they'd done it halfway through the season, this could have been a really interesting show. What I could not predict, however, is that this season wouldn't actually have any semblance of an ending. The one thing I'd been waiting for for many episodes finally happened and just when I thought we could get back to actually progressing the story, it just stopped. Not ended, stopped. I usually loathe cliffhanger season finales as they are a cheap device for forcing you to come back for the next season, but the writers went the complete opposite direction with this one, leaving me with absolutely no desire to come back for another season of fluff without any substance.

Don't get me wrong, I liked this show. The writing was despicable at times but I enjoyed it as some dumb entertainment nonetheless. But that "finale" properly made me lose all interest.

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The writing of this series is seriously atrocious, filled with common twist, stereotypes and obvious plots. Now the acting of this woman Priyanka (and her weird neck) or whatever is always the same and again her character is written as all woman are written now: super powerful, promiscuous and obviously can beat really huge guys with minimum effort! totally not realistic but that's the weird Hollywood fantasy that we see now everywhere and no one believes, not even women.

If you want to waste a little time keep watching this but I doubt there's going to be a second season.

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Was her heart beat 350 from being in a room that was 41° Celsius? That can't be right... right.

Nevertheless, this was horrible and Amazon should actually develop backstop so we can forget this shit show.
The plot was stupid, the time jumps was annoying and the acting was abysmal.
The only good thing was that we actually got some closure in the season 1 finale.

It's insane the show has been renewed for a second season, there is a "spyverse" now and a second show in the "spyverse" is coming next year. Well, I won't be there when they release.

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oh no, a second season has been announced - good grief why?

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Only good thing about this show was Priyanka Chopra Everything else from story to dialogue to every other actor was awful.

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man, they talk so much. i am kind of sleepy...

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think i will not go for the 2nd season

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