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Class of '07 2023

This made me laugh out loud multiple times. Soundtrack is a banger and the cast is entirely endearing. Yeah, the characters have moments where they're not perfect but the show would be completely irresponsible and sugar coated if these women were written as perfect beings. The girl power and female friendship dynamics that are rooted in childhood and trauma is so real. I can't wait for season 2.

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I don't know how to describe what I just watched. It wasn't great, but I enjoyed it. It felt how I feel about humanity every single day. Just yelling WTF! in my mind all the time.

Zoe is shit on constantly, unfairly so. It doesn't get better either. Forgettable Lisa Laura, may seem to be the worst treated but it's undeniably Zoe. I felt frustrated with societal mob mentality and Zoe being singled out as the 'bad guy' when they're the voice of reason the entire time.

Strange, frustrating, sort of stupid, but I think it was worth my 5 hours of pointless existence.

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Zoe getting shitted on (by the other girls) pissed me off at times, but other than that it was mostly a chaotic and fun story, especially having watched Bad Behaviour recently.

The other weak point for me was that Megan and Tegan don't justify being characters with names and lines until the very end, and that was still weird. Megan's "come to Jesus" kinda makes sense, I guess, but Tegan really went along with everything for over 10 years and never even tried to do something about it?

Anyway, the other stories do the trick for me. That ending got me thinking that this show now really resembles Wrecked. :sweat_smile:

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It's kinda good, but watching this made me genuinely anxious at points.

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pleas do a sec season pls do

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Another gem I should have heard sooner of.

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Fun show! It's insane and chaotic and over the top in a lot of areas... I LOVED it!
Characters are fun and especially the 'minor' regular characters like Genevieve, Renee, Tegan, Megan and Forgettable Laura.

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Well, that was a strange ride but entertaining dispite it’s vulgarity and crassness. The performances are good. The situation is farcical. The solutions are hair-brained and dangerous. Yet it was still charming. I give this series a 7 (bizarrely fun) out of 10. [Dramedy]

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unlike any other tv series. so funny, so irreverent, dry, and emotional. addictively watchable, unpredictable and thought-provoking. this show has it all.

limited series hall of fame, no question.

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Saskia is horrible. And Zoe following her around? This is a stupid show.

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