Personal Lists featuring...

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee 2012


I always find it hard to recommend TV shows. While some are no brainers, many have inconsistencies across their seasons. While I vastly tried to choose shows that were good from start to finish, there are some exceptions. I've provided a list of the exceptions below.

American Horror Story: Seasons 1-4 are best. Season 8 is good. Seasons 5, 6 & 8 are solid. Skip seasons 7, 10 & 11.
Boardwalk Empire: Seasons 4 & 5 closed well. The first 75% of those seasons were lower quality.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 8 was bad.
Community: Quality steadily drops after Season 3.
Dexter: Quality steadily drops after Season 5.
Dr Who: S1 is good. S2, S3 & S4 are best. S5-S6 are good. S7-S8 are bad. S9-10 are ok. S11-S13 are average.
Happy!: Season 2 was a dip in quality.
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: S1-2 are great. S3 was ok. S4 was bad. S5 was great.
Master of None: Season 3 is unwatchable.
Modern Family: Quality dip after Season 6.
Not Going Out: Quality dips a little after Season 8.
Office: Slight quality dip after Season 7.
Red Dwarf: Season 7 doesn't have a laugh track. Only bad season.
Shameless (US): Quality steadily drops around Season 8.
That 70's Show: Season 8 was not great.
True Detective: Season 1 deserves this list. Season 3 is worth watching. Season 2 is moderate.
Two and a Half Men: Stop watching after Season 8.
Walking Dead: Season 1-4 + Seasons 7-8. Grit and bear through Seasons 5-6. Stop after Season 8.
X-Files: Quality starts to dip around Season 7. Completely skip Seasons 10-11.


Shows from 2000-2019+ that I haven't watched yet but want to!


Lista a ver :eyes: en algún momento:hourglass_flowing_sand:.


Watchlist to synchronize shows with Show Tracker 2. Do not DELETE or RENAME it!


This is a big one. House of Cards bowed in 2013 and television was changed forever. Entire seasons all at once, attempts to cater to anyone, unknown talent with no reins, revivals and rescues of beloved series! At first, Netflix promised to be unlike any other. The shine may have since faded as realism and budgets creep closer onto a subscriber count that is destined for a plateau. However, Netflix remains aces in the field because it was the only one there for so long. And for what it's worth, they have made some truly great, all-time series. This isn't LeBron going to the Heat. Netflix is LeBron now.
