Ah, the origin of the Spanish rap. This episode was so much more iconic and important to the character's burgeoning relationships than was obvious back in September 2009. At the time, I still thought Pierce and Troy were gonna be the wacky pair-up comic relief, but rewatching it yet again makes it clear how Troy and Abed were destined for that Turk and JD friendship.

Yet again, some of the writing is so much funnier and unexpected for the time period when lazy sitcoms were not sharply written or funny.

Pierce: I'm not sterile! In fact it's a rare condition called hyper-virility; apparently my sperm shoot through the egg like bullets. Can you believe that?

Jeff: I can't. But you can, so that's fine.


Jeff: Nice try, but it's actually Secretary's Day and it says that I'm sorry about crashing your protest with that drunken, self-immolating Baby Boomer.

Shirley: We don't blame you, sweety, Pierce has always been on my watch list.

Troy: That dude is crazy! He told me girls have two pee holes.

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i love their buddy vibe:heart:‍:fire:

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Can't say I’m immediately in love with the show but those last five minutes really HIT and if it’s like this the rest of the way I can see it becoming one of my many favourites

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abed and troy's beatboxing was so cool????

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  • Omg, this announcer is legendary
  • Fourth-wall break? Does that count? Idk
  • Real stories don't have spoilers???
  • Wow, Jeff is a mastermind
  • Dan Harmon? That's the guy who made a story circle!
  • It's been two weeks?

Jeff: "Exploit them? They're my friends."
Abed: "Can I bring your car around, Jeff?"

  • I guess Chang hasn't heard of personal space
  • Ooh, Britta is sneaky
  • Hemingway?
  • Abed and Troy; what a team
  • Abed is a genius
  • Omg, a newspaper. It is 2009
  • Wow, they all just burning Pierce
  • What is this dialogue?!
  • Troy's face, lol
  • Wait, why did they drag Annie into this?
  • All of their faces, lol
  • What a legendary credit sequence. Abed and Troy are the coolest characters so far

SCORE: 7/10

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The show started “meh” in the pilot... and then they throw Ken Jeong into the mix and suddenly became awesome :clap_tone1:

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oh, yes. Let the fun begin ..

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