Rewatch third time only to find out the hitchhiker is Coach Beard from Ted Lasso!!!

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  • Ay! Annie's moving in with Troy and Abed!
  • Jeff really put in a lot of effort to fake that

Dean: "Especially if we're doing lunch?"

  • Dean be blackmailing Jeff
  • Annie got a blanket fort for a bedroom? She lucky


  • Pierce is gonna die

Dean: "And you emailed your therapist you'd like to be alone this weekend."

  • Aw, Annie enjoying Troy and Abed's show
  • Montage :D

Jeff: "I'll kill you."
Dean: "No, Jeffrey, no! Jeffrey, Jeffrey, come on. Just remember we were making memories. No, Jeffrey, no!"
Jeff: "We weren't making anything."
Dean: "It's too violent! Don't let the terrorists win!"
Jeff: "We weren't making anything!"

  • That green screen, lol

Troy and Abed: "This is the Dreamatorium."

Annie: "Enjoy your stupid Dreamatorium!"
Troy: "We will! Because this is our apartment too! And just because we're awesome doesn't mean we're not adults!"
[Slamming door.]

Abed: "It's all yours."

Everybody: "And the light that you shine can be seen."
Jeff: "He tweeted it?"
Everybody: "Baby!"
Jeff: "He tweeted iiiiiiiiiiiit!"


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I don't understand why the dean's continued sexual harassment and blackmail of Jeff is supposed to be funny.

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"That's quite calming for some reason..."
Oh gosh, how can someone fail so much like Hawthorne in this episode... I'm having a blast with him, possibly for the first time.
Meanwhile, Dean and Jeffrey, I mean, Craig and Jeffrey are awesome.
Although I would have liked to see dem blazers.

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