Personal Lists featuring...

Condor 2018


Launched: October 30, 2009

December 2008 - Paramount Pictures, MGM and Lionsgate create a joint venture: Studio 3 Partners and selected the name "Epix" for their premium television.
May 2017 - MGM became the fully ownership of Epix.
March 2022 - Amazon acquired MGM.
January 2023 - Epix rebrands to MGM+

List of channels:
Epix 2
Epix Hits
Epix Drive-In


Todas las series de Prime Video y HBO


More of my favorite Shows - (series cancelled or not ended)
50 is just not enough...


english shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


TV-shows released and aired between 2010 & 2019, or beyond.
*last update 30/04/2024
(all Japanese anime have been removed and transferred to dedicated collection)


I have seen almost 300 tv shows. This list is based on my own feelings towards the tv show. Some tv shows are better in the early seasons and they go to shit in the subsequent seasons but they do deserve some respect. Enjoy!
