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Cosmic Disclosure

Season 15 2019

  • 2019-08-27T04:00:00Z on Gaia
  • 30m
  • 4h (8 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Documentary, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Mystery
Humanity’s hidden history in space; inside the Secret Space Program with insiders coming forward to reveal their experiences.

10 episodes

Season Premiere


15x01 US & German ET Perspectives - Part 1

Season Premiere

15x01 US & German ET Perspectives - Part 1

  • 2019-08-27T04:00:00Z30m

In this two-part special season opener, Tim, the tactical advisor from Germany (who analyzes and suggests various strategies in relation to ET groups in contact with Earth) meets with insider Richard Doty, a retired counter-intelligence agent who served in the AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations). For the first time on US soil, Tim joins Richard Doty to relate their respective German and American perspectives on dealing directly with different types of ETs, comparing and contrasting their extraterresterial contact experiences.

With host Emery Smith, Tim and Richard Doty discuss never-before-shared information about our human history from the ET perspective, including their influence and agendas.

After half a century of UFOs and ETs on the world stage, how can we learn from the different experiences of global governments? Tim Tactical Advisor rejoins retired AFOSI insider Richard Doty for part two of correlating their experiences to help us understand our human origins in relation to ET influence upon our genetics.

Connecting information across countries, generations, and time, Tim and Richard Doty differntiate between the Greys, the EBENs, and other ET types, with a view to understand the interconnectedness of humanity and extraterrestrials.

Many people claim to have seen, heard or had experiences with extraterrestrials, but how many have had actual direct contact? With so many stories of close encounters involving ETs over the decades, it’s important to differentiate mythos from the facts. Tim Tactical Advisor shares his insider knowledge, explaining his face-to-face work and direct communications with the Greys.

Discussing the profound reactions humans experience during direct contact with extraterrestrials, Tim also offers details on the physical, mental, and technological attributes of Greys.

15x04 Breaking Down ET Stereotypes

  • 2019-09-17T04:00:00Z30m

How do we understand the complexities of ET species, their goals, and their connections to humanity? Tim Tactical Advisor joins Emery Smith to discuss in-depth details on Greys, EBENs, reptilians, interdimensional beings, and the technology shared between them.

Citing his direct experiences working with Greys, Tim explains the physical distinctions between extraterrestrials and their perspectives on other species. Analyzing human consciousness in relation to ETs, Tim explains their various agendas and the connections between all species.

Is it possible extraterrestrials are influencing the collective consciousness of humans and other species? Tim Tactical Advisor joins host Emery Smith to discuss what is popularly known as the "Galactic Federation."

According to Tim, this is actually a loose compendium of different species dedicated to an idea where individuals and groups within whole star-systems cooperate through complex intergalatic relationships. Tim also discusses how different levels of consciousness within the Universe expand beyond third-dimensional physics.

15x06 New Perspectives on The Greys

  • 2019-10-01T04:00:00Z30m

Are the ETs working with world governments the same beings from the infamous Roswell crash? Tim Tactical Advisor differentiates Greys from EBENs by detailing his years of face-to-face interactions with different ET types. ​

​Explaining his communications with the Greys and their connection to humanity, Tim says most extraterrestrial species are united in their goals to help humanity and achieve mutual evolution. Throughout history, from Roswell to key events in the Cold War like the Cuban Missile Crisis, Tim suggests ETs have been influencing humanity for the benefit of the greater universe.

15x07 The Greys: Guiding Evolution

  • 2019-10-08T04:00:00Z30m

What messages do humans who have worked face-to-face with ETs have for humanity? With so much misinformation surrounding extraterrestrials, it can be hard to know friends from foe. As Tim Tactical Advisor shares, it is best not to be afraid.

Explaining how every human has different reactions to Grey extraterrestrials, Tim also details the misunderstandings of their true nature, diplomatic protocols, the evolution of the Earth, and more. According to Tim, Greys are hoping to work in harmony with humans to achieve the benefits of mutual evolution for the entire universe and success of the timeline.

Season Finale


15x08 The First Order of The Greys

Season Finale

15x08 The First Order of The Greys

  • 2019-10-15T04:00:00Z30m

What is the First Order and how does it relate to extraterrestrials? According to Tim Tactical Advisor, the First Order is the original name the Greys gave themselves, as they believe maintaining order throughout the universe and timelines is their responsibility.

The First Order also describes the mission of the Greys. According to Tim, Greys are collecting data and genetics of different warrior-type species to help fix potential problems in the consciousness of various beings and aid the greater evolution of the entire universe.

What is Cosmic Law and how does it relate to the laws of the First Order? According to Tim Tactical Advisor, even for beings who know we are all one, conflicts do not end until consciousness reaches Level Five. Due to these diverse levels of consciousness, beings interact with nature differently and these experiences result in beneficial growth for the Universe. Tim discusses how all probabilities and experiences have value, regardless of if they are good or bad, because they add up to the overall experiences of the Universe in a constructive way.

According to Tim, whether it is Cosmic Law or laws of the First Order, the Universe is experiencing itself and eventually all species reach a frequency level of consciousness beyond self-destructive tendencies through evolution.

What are the connections between ET species of the Orion star-system and evolutionary paths of human genetics? Tim Tactical Advisor is joined by retired AFOSI insider Richard Doty to share correlating information on different ETs like Greys, EBENs, Reptilians, and other species interacting with humanity throughout time.

Discussing historical events from the Roswell crash to the more recent Tic Tac craft videos released by the US military, Tim explains how different governments interact with ETs and filter information.
