Mostly okay, but too much airtime given to egocentric youtubers and their conspiracies that are only interested on themselves and being the ones finding the truth to be the hero, instead of honoring the memory of the victim.
Those people haven't done any good and caused harm. Why giving them this exposure ?

Beside that, there are interesting and caring people giving great inputs.

I don't know, this could have been a good work about mental health but instead it's wasted trying to be a thriller show.

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In all honesty this being 4 episodes was not necessary. We’re given lots of theories from youtubers throughout the 4 episodes. Then it ends in the last 10 minutes with “we forgot to mention how this detail that closes the case.”

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2 hours of skeevy youtubers showing you how smart they think they are could have been cut...really is a documentary about how scummy some youtubers are.

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If you feel like this was exploitative af like me, be sure you give it a thumbs down on Netflix. Otherwise they’ll never learn.

A terribly sad story. Instead of spending 4 hours letting YouTube conspiracy theorists blow this out of proportion, they should’ve discussed mental health a little bit more.

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Perfectly shows why some Youtubers should just stfu and let people do their job...

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I remembered hearing about this story a while ago, but never knew all the details. I think this documentary does a good job of laying out all the facts and portraying why people were so obsessed with this case in the first place. I felt very uneasy while watching, especially during the elevator video. It was very interesting and gave enough information to form your own opinion of what happened.

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I absolutely love True Crime docs but this series was way too long and just feels disrespectful at times.

I get that they are trying to discredit these web sleuths but then why would you give so much airtime to these idiotic conspiracy nuts with a hero complex? This entire story could have been told in a 90 minute movie. The reveal/pointing out the insanity and exploitativeness of these YouTubers comes waaaay too late. Episode 3 and the beginning of episode 4 were just straight up disgusting to watch.

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Was there really any need in this being almost four hours long? They just keep presenting the same information over and over again in this documentary series that is almost four hours long and keeps presenting the same information over and over again.

I wouldn't recommend watching this documentary series that is almost four hours long because it keeps presenting the same information over and over again. Were you aware that this is a documentary series that's almost four hours long and keeps presenting the same information over and over again?

Do not under any circumstances consider sitting through this documentary series that runs at almost four hours long and keeps presenting the same information over and over again.

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could've used less commentary from the people infatuated with her case to an unhealthy extent

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All those asses better apologize to Morbid for ruining his life.

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The tension of an unexplained case that is well-built at the beginning is spoiled by unprofessional YouTubers speculating and seeking sensation. All this lacks empathy towards the victim.

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Making a huge spectacle out of an incomplete story. 75% of the content here is youtube conspiracy theorists postulating what could have happened. "My instincts say it happened this way." "I feel connected to this case and to Elisa Lam." Shut the hell up.
The show follows a lot of these theories, despite them being based on nothing, but then it has moments where it says "these youtube theorists are bad, actually" and then it goes back to interviewing them like they're experts on the subject matter. Feels really gross seeing Netflix focus a documentary on all these people making baseless assumptions about a dead person and claiming they "know her so well" after reading her Tumblr. stupid

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An interesting and tragic case. The show definitely goes on too long but is interesting enough.
I liked the history of the hotel, the area and other criminals involved with the hotel but these are often thrown in without much context. They should probably have just done a series on the hotel and done an episode about each notable crime / criminals relating to it.
I feel very sorry for Pablo Vergara and hope it serves as a warning to the damage internet conspiracies can do.

There is one moment where a key piece of information is just withheld as the rest of the story is told to keep it mysterious. Felt like a cheap move.
Definitely too much time given to internet conspiracy theorists. I guess they try and tell the story of how easy it is to get drawn in and how damaging it can be but doesn’t feel well executed.

Probably an episode or 2 too long. 6/10

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did not like, insinuating that there was so much foul play involved when it's clearly just a young girl having a manic episode, cba, felt sorry for that goff guy too

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Shout by FilmHorde
BlockedParent2023-03-28T03:10:52Z— updated 2023-03-30T02:09:39Z

A gripping true crime documentary series that is expertly crafted, with a focus on meticulous research and interviews with key players in the case, including law enforcement officials, journalists, and witnesses. It also provides a fascinating look at the history of the Cecil Hotel, which has long been associated with crime and death. One of the strengths of the series is the way it handles the complexities and contradictions of the case. Rather than trying to provide easy answers or sensationalize the story, the filmmakers delve into the many unanswered questions and conflicting accounts, leaving you with a sense of doubt. The series also provides a fascinating look at the way social media and internet detectives have become involved in true crime investigations, contributing to the search for answers in the case.

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[Netflix] A docuseries that is as bipolar as the victim herself. It pays attention to the "cyber-detectives", but at other times it despises their investigations (in fact, the series is also built around morbid and entertainment). It would have been interesting to focus on the police investigation, but it might only have taken two episodes. Joe Berlinger is also not characterized by the depth of his true crime shows.

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Shout by Shannonnj

Binged the whole series in one sitting... definitely mind f:asterisk_symbol:ck material

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It's good to see that the universal glorified 'Youtubers' are being digitally punched in the face with this show. The show shows exactly what's wrong with these influencers and how dangerous it can be if you believe someone with a smooth talk and only a small part of the facts.

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Shout by Muero
BlockedParent2021-03-04T21:05:04Z— updated 2023-07-26T15:19:14Z

These people that the documentary labels as "Web Sleuths" are just bored idiots seeking thrills and attention. They show up to the hotel and film themselves with selfie sticks, smiling, like they're going through a haunted house. Go get some exercise, or do some volunteer work! None of them know how diseases work, how elevators work, how governments work, or how the video surveillance system works, and they didn't bother to contact experts to find out, either. The police department ended up getting overwhelmed with calls from people with nothing useful to add. The director could have included the "web sleuths" in this series for the purpose of pointing out how pointless and even counterproductive their activity was, but instead the director made them the protagonists for most of the series. This series may end up encouraging more idiots to act in similar ways in more cases, which is a shame.

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A documentary that shows how meaningless the lives of many people are to the point that they spend a lot of time engaging in lynching and conspiracies, resulting in the cancel culture phenomenon. Elisa's tragic story and her family's suffering are barely mentioned.

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