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Crimewatch UK

Season 1986 1986

  • 1986-01-30T21:00:00Z on BBC One
  • 1h
  • 20h (20 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English
Crimewatch UK is a BBC television appeal program that helps the police all over the UK solve cases with calls from viewers. The program features various appeal request methods such as CCTV footage and reconstructions. Crimewatch UK itself including their related parties such as the police, crime victims or companies have offered rewards to people's information leading to successful convictions. In over the 20 years Crimewatch UK has been airing it has featured over 2500 cases and as a result of viewers calls providing information many arrests/convictions have been made. Crimewatch UK will never trace calls as it's an anonymous purpose that will give peace of mind to callers!

20 episodes

Season Premiere


1986x01 30th January 1986

Season Premiere

1986x01 30th January 1986

  • 1986-01-30T21:00:00Z1h

In December an Essex farmer discovered a child's body buried in a field. It was 6-year-old Barry Lewis, who had gone missing from his home in London nearly three months earlier. Police need your help to catch his killer. In Cheshire, detectives believe a distinctive sports car stolen in October could lead them to an armed gang operating from Merseyside. Last month the gang raided a jeweller's shop and left the car and other vital clues behind.

1986x02 30th January 1986 (Update)

  • 1986-01-30T21:00:00Z1h


1986x03 27th February 1986

1986x03 27th February 1986

  • 1986-02-27T21:00:00Z1h

Shortly after Christmas 19-year-old Alison Day left her Essex home to visit her fiance. She never arrived. Six weeks ago frogmen recovered her body from a canal. Now Police need your help to catch her killer.
In Manchester an armed gang robbed a wages delivery van of £100,000. Detectives believe it may have been their second attack in a week - and the second time they've taken hostages at gunpoint.


1986x05 27th March 1986

1986x05 27th March 1986

  • 1986-03-27T21:00:00Z1h

Six weeks ago London supermarket manager Steve Whitnell was shot dead in front of his girlfriend. Ten days before he'd confronted an armed gang at the store.
Detectives believe the attacks may be linked and need your help to catch his killer.
In Hertfordshire just before Christmas two customers inspected an expensive bracelet in a high street jewellers. The next day they returned with revolvers and robbed the staff of gems worth £500,000.

1986x06 27th March 1986 (Update)

  • 1986-03-27T21:00:00Z1h


1986x07 24th April 1986

1986x07 24th April 1986

  • 1986-04-24T20:00:00Z1h

On the Sunday before Christmas, Dyfed Police were called to a fire at Scoveston Park. As the house blazed, Richard and Helen Thomas, brother and sister, lay dead inside, killed, not by the fire, but by a shot-gun. Police need help to solve a tragic mystery.
The parents of Susan Maxwell and Caroline Hogg have waited four and three years respectively to discover who murdered their daughters. Scottish police believe it's not too late for Crimewatch viewers to help.

1986x08 24th April 1986 (Update)

  • 1986-04-24T20:00:00Z1h


1986x09 22nd May 1986

1986x09 22nd May 1986

  • 1986-05-22T20:00:00Z1h

Jason was 14 when he ran away from home in June last year - he was found dead in November. Detectives know he was on the south coast in July and possibly back near his north London home in early November. To find his killer, police need your help to build a full picture of Jason's last weeks.


1986x10 22nd May 1986 (Update)

1986x10 22nd May 1986 (Update)

  • 1986-05-22T20:00:00Z1h


1986x11 10th July 1986

1986x11 10th July 1986

  • 1986-07-10T20:00:00Z1h

Georgina Davies, a 72-year-old nurse from Salford, was found dead in her home seven weeks ago. The identity of her last patient remains a mystery - the murder squad needs your help with that and other leads.
When security guards were robbed of cash outside a Birmingham bank their lives were threatened and one was shot in the leg. As the attackers sped away they left crucial clues to their identities.
And the search for Anne Lock - a full reconstruction and a new appeal.

1986x12 10th July 1986 (Update)

  • 1986-07-10T20:00:00Z1h


1986x13 18th September 1986

1986x13 18th September 1986

  • 1986-09-18T20:00:00Z1h

Diane Sindall was 21 when she died. She worked some evenings in the Wellington pub in Bebington. On 1 August she ran out of petrol on her way home and was attacked and murdered. Just seven weeks on, viewers from Merseyside and beyond might help track down her killer.
In February the Wilberforce Museum in Hull was burgled and £30,000 worth of silver was taken. Since then small museums from Huddersfield to Shrewsbury have been hit by the same gang - the method of operation has been fast and efficient. But with more and more historic silverware on the market the chances are high that somebody somewhere can help crack the case.
And the savage murder of Che Keng Fung in London - it appears that burglars killed for the sake of £100 cash and some jewellery.


1986x15 16th October 1986

1986x15 16th October 1986

  • 1986-10-16T20:00:00Z1h

Viewers and others have now provided a detailed picture of the 24-hour kidnapping of a little boy from Lincoln. Crimewatch shows a reconstruction of the 54-mile train journey 8-year-old Jamie and his kidnapper made to Peterborough. You may know who the man is and police need information about where the boy was kept. And the Elm Bond Street jewellery robbery.

1986x16 16th October 1986 (Update)

  • 1986-10-16T20:00:00Z1h


1986x17 13th November 1986

1986x17 13th November 1986

  • 1986-11-13T21:00:00Z1h

The hunt for the armed robber who's struck six times in the north east of England. Over two years he's left a trail of clues - he's known to steal old cars and tune them up as get-away vehicles. As he gets increasingly dangerous police need information from viewers to end his spree. And the 24-hour kidnapping of 8-year-old Jamie Thomas from Lincoln. Detectives need to know who took him by train over 50 miles to Peterborough - Jamie was unhurt, but other children may be at risk.


1986x19 18th December 1986

1986x19 18th December 1986

  • 1986-12-18T21:00:00Z1h

Since 1984 more than 120 elderly women have been conned out of their pension books. From Colchester to Bristol to Coventry, two women have been posing as DHSS officials on doorsteps and at hospital bedsides. They have cashed over E20,000 from the stolen pensions and left their victims frightened and disturbed. Viewers from across the country might help find the pension pinchers and there's advice for all old people on how to be safe from confidence tricksters, bogus callers and doorstep thieves.
From a single haul in Tayside a spectacular Aladdin's Cave - up to a million pounds worth of property - if you've been burgled look out for your treasured heirloom.
And in the last edition of the year, a look back at the major cases which are still open but viewers might still solve.
