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Daria: Season 4

4x08 Psycho Therapy

9.5/10. This was a truly superb episode that derived its greatness from the writing. The scene where Daria breaks down her whole family's psychological hangups, including her own, to the psychiatrist was a brilliant and incisive summary of the character, and the ensuing roleplaying at the table displayed a similar talent for both real insight into how the characters feels about each other as well as real comedy. It's tough to balance that in a kind of an emotional scene, but it worked here. Plus, Quinn was on fire in terms of laughs, and Jane-Cam added something as well. What I really liked about this one is that it was sweet without being cloying, and while it wasn't always subtle, it delved into what makes the Morgendorfers tick and hang together, while not pretending to show some grand progress for them as a family that will be forgotten the next episode. Great stuff.

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