Shout by anthoney65

I thought this episode was great in spite of the space zombies. We get to see 3 kill that whole room full. That was bad ass. We great lots more from 2, who is the most interesting character. She's immune to deadly viruses and also seems to regenerate.

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The zombie was a bit cliche and distracted me from fully enjoying the episode but I found some of the bits humorous ultimately though we found a big secret.

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Shout by Gaby
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-09-05T06:15:35Z— updated 2018-10-27T20:49:25Z

Though I'm still unsure about the cast dynamics, the storytelling is moving toward a stride. With each new encounter, we uncover a little about the amnesiac crew, but ultimately leading to more questions. This episode was all about mysteries hidden from 2. Who is she? Why is she immune to a zombie-making virus? Why is she such a skilled fighter? The focus on Two in this ep made it much more interesting. She holds your attention and carries most of the ep.

Episode focuses mainly on monster/mystery of the ship they encounter. It's another stuck-in-a episode, this time with a virus on another vessel.

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David Hewlett another Stargate Atlantis, New mystery to add

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