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Dark: Season 2

2x05 Lost and Found

Watched on Netflix. A lot of things are explained and clarified. I liked what Adam said about time, the our god is actually time, and it has no mercy. Sad scenes of old Ulrich trying to recover his children.

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I believe Adam is sending Jonas to 2019, not to save the coming apocalypse, but precisely to start all over again.

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I call BS on Adam. I bet Jonas did that every time and either failed or became the cause of his father's suicide

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What a heart breaking episode :( It was brilliant from every aspect...
the question is, when is the beginning?

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Shout by Anto Butera

I'm obsessed with the show! It's amazing. But there's one little detail that annoys me to no end. Why are Jonas' eyes blue and adult Jonas' eyes hazel?! They went so far as to give every one of the Claudias heterochromia, but Jonas has a different eye color depending on his age? Such BS.

Also, I love how both Jonas and Martha are having the exact same sex dream. It's so weird.

And I feel so bad for Ulrich and Bartosz. They were both dealt crappy hands.I hope they get some peace in the end.

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In terms of acting and writing (and pretty much everything), this show is outstanding! And it just seems to be getting better and better.
"He is my son!"
"Those are my children!"
I feel so sorry for Ulrich. They got him seem totally insane.

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Ulrich reuniting with Mikkel for a short while, and him seeing Magnus and Martha, MY HEART.

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