Shout by Ripley511

When a show about time travel begins an episode with a card reading "8 months ago", you know you're in for something creative.

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One second, I need to pick my jaw up off the floor...

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Quick though now. If Eobard is from the future and Damien is from the past, then, Malcolm is Malcolm in the Middle? This, my friends, is called sleep deprivation.

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Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-02-01T14:12:03Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:38:31Z

It was fun to see the events unfold from the villains' perspective. Malcolm and Damien bickering were hilarious. Is it just me, or was there a lot of weird sexual tension between them? I blame that on John Barrowman, who could have chemistry with a rock if he wanted to.

That torture scene was so gruesome. Jesus. My teeth hurt.

So, Rip is evil now. And he just singlehandedly fucked up America's independence.

I love Lily and Martin. I feel like adding her to the show was a good decision. I certainly hope we'll see more of her. She's very charming and I can't help but like her.

And we've got a Zombie Speedster now. Wonderful. I'm absolutely terrified.

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Shout by Vero

I forgot to mention the Jurassic Park reference: "He can't see us if we don't move". Black Flash is officially a T-Rex. And I loved Darhk's sentence "Easy Eobard", mirroring Jurassic Park's famou: "Clever girl". Man, I really loved this episode, and Rip being a bad guy is just a twist I didn't see coming. Maybe that's why the time masters didn't like him very much. So let's see what happens after he fucks up American independence. I can't wait for next week's episode, so I think I'm gonna rewatch some.

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I hope they do erase arrow season 4 from the timeline

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Is that zombie speedster Zoom!?

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Pretty sure the black speedster is hunter Zolomon, that’s cool, hope we get to see him on the flash at some point.

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This episode was amazing. I love the Legion of Doom. Malcolm, Damien and Eobard are fantastic together. I could look at them argue and scheming forever.

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Ray and Lily? Now that would make a great combo. Speaking of, this episode rocked with the duo of Malcolm and Damien. Both are great villains and it was nice to give them more screen time. Can we just kill Eobard off though? He's always annoyed me and his only purpose is time travel for the real villains...

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It is curious to see the chapter from the point of view of the bad guys

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Shout by georgia

this was literally just Villain Marriage Counselling for an entire 40 mins.

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So the Legion of Doom is basically the Trio from Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

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