i want the old zari back

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Shout by Ahys ST

Based on comments here, it seems like new Zari wasn't very popular during airing, but I am quite enjoying her (and how well Tala is playing her, I've kind of forgotten how old Zari was if not for the occasional flashbacks), but the idea of getting, and even just seeing, old Zari back has me so excited.

Also definitely pleasantly surprised that I liked Behrad so much (surprised because I thought I wouldn't considering he "replaced" Zari but it feels so well done that I didn't mind), in a way I sadly didn't like Charlie as much as I wanted to last season (it felt like she was just there most of the time; I loved Maisie as Amaya and was excited to get her back, and with her getting to use her Brit accent, but she just wasn't explored enough to get too attached to her - guess they were saving the character building for this season).

So, obviously, I GASPED the minute B looked at the blade, knowing how that would end. JFC. Also, loved Charlie cutting off her sister's hand lmao

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Are those zombies ever explained? How did the crew become them in the first place? WHAT?

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So Zari accomplished her mission, saving Behrad and her parents, and as a reward she is sent back to this ‘totemtown’, cloistered from everything and everyone? That doesn’t sound right.

I’m enjoying seeing Zari 2.0, but I figured the old Zari was somehow inside of her. At least that’s what the visions implied. The fact that there are two completely different Zaris (sort of) coexisting, just made the plot quite messier. Not to mention, it just dimmed the chances of the old Zari doing a full return. At least without jeopardizing the existence of the new Zari.

I’m not the biggest fan of Behrad, but I hope they find a way to bring him back. Even just for the sake of everything Zari went through. Charlie’s sister is annoying af and I do not care for her. For a God, she’s pretty stale. A wall of bricks has more charisma.

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Seeing Zari 1.0 in 'totemtown' (love that word by the way) was the best thing! It made me realize once again that I truly miss the old Zari, who was a badass! I hope this means Zari 2.0 is going to lean back into that character a bit more, maybe the (temporary?! Right!?) demise of Behrad will bring back some of that badass OG Zari.

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I think a Supernatural crossover woul have been good.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2020-04-29T16:53:55Z— updated 2020-05-03T03:30:30Z

I don’t get why everyone disappeared in the end of this one. When Zari’s brother is killed. Then are back like nothing happened. In the next episode.
Also if they were going to have so many Sam and Dean, Supernatural shout outs. They could have at least made an appearance.

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Don't know why Supernatural was so prevaillent in the episode but what should have been an "ah shit!!"-moment made me roll my eyes so far I could see my soul.
At least the Zari plot is over... kinda.

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