Shout by meets8

Jen and Judy are so badass omg what an ending!!! Please don't cancel the show!

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I love you more than wine


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Really good season finale. Although being quite predictable at times this show is still so entertaining that you just can't stop watching. Also I love the performances of Applegate and Cardinelli. They really need to get some more recognition for their work on this show.
The twist at the end could mean some really interesting stories for season three.

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These two are absolute friendship goals.
That ending though! I was worried for a moment they were gonna end with a crash and not knowing if Jen lived.

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The twist on this show are so contrived and ridiculous. I don't get why it's getting so much acclaim when other shows would get panned. Bored housewives on quarantine?

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The ending was seriously unexpected. This show really keeps you on your toes and with two great actress like these... they’re really own their characters. Can’t wait for s3

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Wow that season finale was crazy and definitely not what I was expecting this show is so good I cannot wait for season 3!

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Jen and Judy are so fucking adorable. I like this season even more than the first one.

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