Wow, I was literally out of words after this departure. I really enjoyed everything about this episode, including its symbolism. I also have this weird obsession with melancholic scenes that take place in rainy weather with a gloomy atmosphere which the characters look back at what they've reached so far. I also liked it when L said something shocking, they just muted the sound of rain for a few moments to make things more suspenseful, kinda like just what Yakuza 2 did at the time.
I admit, L was a character that I didn't give too much a damn about but despite that, his departure really left me unmotivated to continue watching the series because as Light himself mentioned: "It's no fun without Ryuzaki". If I wanted to give another comparison to a videogame, (Spoilers for FarCry 3 ahead) this situation would be like Vass's aftermath which made the game not as fun as before to continue.

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I would say this is the best episode of the series. It escalates quickly, starting from a new beginning to the sudden death of one of the protagonists, after some symbolism, which in that case was that sort of weird interaction of Light and Ryuzaki in the church, in the middle of the storm. Some people would say a homoerotic interaction, but it was rather a fraternal one, of mutual respect. In the end, it is proven that Light is clearly a psychopath and only cares about him. Impressive episode.

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Shout by Ali Farooq

Fucking hell L is dead. I thought It was one of his tricks to bring out the real face of light but he is actually dead :scream::scream:

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Shout by Ella Jade

When L died I couldn’t believe it.. so shocking! I even had to look up on google after that if he was actually dead and for some reason what I saw said he was still alive lol

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This episode is the biggest departure from the manga yet, and is also my favorite. It portrayed Misa as less creepy and more annoying; the chemistry and the tension between L and Light, and the emotional build up (is this the appropriate term because I actually felt L's nearing demise) to L's death. All the colors and sounds in this episode were astounding.

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The hate against Light is rising again. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Man, that bonding scene was so nice... I would've liked if Light actually became to like L during the time working with him, but judging from that psychopath look and monologue of his after L died, I guess he didn't take a liking to L at all... Though it's "understandable", since Light is Kira.

The part I didn't understand, however, was when Rem killed Watari. Like... why? Did he suspect that L (I mean the person awaiting execution) would write Misa's name there, or what? There was no point for Rem to kill Watari and L, since even if they 100% make sure that writing in the notebook is the way for Kira to kill, they still won't know for certain who is (the current) Kira. Sooo... It was kinda an unnecessary move for Rem, imo.

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