Shout by LeLoupCarmin
BlockedParent2024-01-04T20:59:16Z— updated 2024-04-01T16:20:21Z

Recommendation : :white_check_mark:

This is making me hungry!

To me, this anime is a remarkable piece of work. The world-building, the stunning visuals, and the voice acting (especially in my language) are particularly impressive. The visuals alone are a feast for the eyes. It's proof that you don't always need a colossal budget to make something exceptional. It just needs to distinguish itself from the rest. The narrative was so immersive, I found myself completely absorbed in the story.

Extra : :heart:

The origin of the adaptation is finished. Even if the anime is canceled due to lack of interest (which of course I don't want), we can always turn to the manga with complete peace of mind. Personally, I find that the anime elevates the source material with its superior visual presentation, enhancing the overall experience.

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Pretty amazing animation & world building, a nice twist on the usual formula, i love it :)

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Admittedly, my perception might be a bit biased since I also happen to be watching IASIP and The Bear while I'm watching this but to me Dungeon Meshi somehow really feels like a fusion of those two + DnD

which is awesome to say the least lmao I love this!!!! great characters, amazing world building and beautiful animation :smile:

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Really good sotry. Starts of slow and peaceful but damn does it get scary with its realistic interpretation of dungeons and monsters. The plot is really compelling as well and seems to run darker the longer the show goes. def recommend it!

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A fun must see show, cooking, world building, fighting monsters, cooking monsters, a total rollercoaster of adventure in a very simple setting and tone that you really enjoy it.

The story is a different twist to the normal dungeon hunting and the animation is so good it takes it to the next level, very enjoyable and a must see. A nice surprise from Netflix.

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Absolutely hooked on this show, from the cooking to the battles to the character design and animation, it’s all great. Fabulous voice acting too. Watching this baby weekly now..

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Laios is so annoyingly stupid. He spaces out in the middle of clutch situations over and over and over.

Also, how much pain would Falin be in? Her brother doesn't seem worried at all about his sister. She's being slowly digested and he barely shows any concern.

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Shout by Mark B.

Not going to lie this show caught my attention after seeing the trailer for the first episode. I watched it and found myself binging the first 4 episodes and wanting more. Netflix isn't bad at all keep it going it has just the right amount of action, comedy, adventure, dark humor, and of course everybodies favorite FOOD in it to keep you wanting to come back and see more. Not going to lie episode 6 when they make the mimic made me so hungry I made crab the same night haha

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Shout by Deleted

I hate Netflix. Just saying

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