Detective Conan: German Broadcast

Staffel 2 1998 - 1999

  • 1998-04-13T09:00:00Z on RTL II
  • 25m
  • 1 day, 9 hours, 20 mins (75 episodes)
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Comedy, Mystery, Anime, Crime
Order in which this show was first broadcast on German television. Note: The original Japanese 1 and 2 hour specials were edited into shorter episodes of 30 minutes for German television and aired on several days. It's impossible to display this alteration here on TMDB, so the different German parts are combined and mapped to the original Japanese special.

75 episodes

Richard is hired by a retiring billionaire to stop his daughters from killing him for the inheritance. When he is poisoned, Conan realizes that there is more to his death than meets the eye.


1x98 (98) Potter's Gambit (1)

While visiting a famous potter, Conan, Richard, and Rachel stumble upon what they believe to be a suicide - but was it? As the detectives soon learn, looks can often times be deceiving.


1x99 (99) Potter's Gambit (2)

Conan tries to unravel the mystery of Margery Taylor's apparent suicide, but how can he prove a murder took place when all of the suspects - including Richard, Rachel, and himself - share the same alibi?

Rachel and Conan join Annette, one of Jimmy's old flames, on a weekend getaway. When the villa catches fire, Rachel risks her life to save her competition. Was the fire an accident? Or is something sinister afoot?

Conan quickly figures out the complicated method the arsonist used to torch the house, as well as the motive behind it. But after the case is solved, Jimmy is in for an embarrassing surprise of his own.

A movie star hires Richard to advise him for a role as a detective. But the line between fact and fiction blurs when Richard, Rachel, and Conan discover they have front row seats to an act of murder.

As the media flocks to the high-profile murder case, the police prepare to charge a movie star with murder. Can Conan prove he knows who actually committed the crime?

When Conan and Rachel join Richard for a trip to Bludcraven Manor, they learn of a troubling secret that may link Morfius Bludcraven, the original lord of the estate, to a band of thieves known as The Goblins.

Conan, Richard, and Rachel attempt to decipher a secret code that promises to solve the strange mysteries of Bludcraven Manor. The unsuspecting sleuths have no clue that the goblins they hunt are very real.


1x106 (106) Snapshots of Death

When a photographer wins an award for capturing a fire on film, it seems like his career has been made - but when Richard accuses him of being a murderer on TV, one of their careers is about to go up in smoke.

A distraught man visits Richard about his murdered sister, but things just don't add up. A jewelry store heist and a car chase lead Conan back to the scene of the crime as another case unfolds.

A suspected murder, a jewel heist, and a missing body have Conan and the Junior Detective League working every angle to crack the case. Will Conan be able to put the clues together in time?


1x109 (109) Hit and Run

13 (1x109) Hit and Run

  • 1998-07-13T09:00:00Z25m

When a killer spies the Junior Detective League on TV, he decides to use them for his own evil purposes. Can Conan and his pals see through his plan or will they unwittingly help him get away with murder?

When Rachel and Serena attend a cooking class and the teacher is stabbed in the back with a very thin weapon during a blackout, Conan realizes that the killer is one of her students and the weapon is hidden somewhere in the classroom.

All four suspects had a reason to stab their cooking instructor in the back. But what was the murder weapon, where is it hidden, and how was the killer able to strike in a pitch-black kitchen?


1x112 (112) School of Ghouls

16 (1x112) School of Ghouls

  • 1998-08-10T09:00:00Z25m

Intruders and disappearances lead to rumors that Teitan Elementary School is haunted. The Junior Detective League springs into action, and Conan senses that a few teachers are covering something up.

Rachel and Conan discover a woman's body, and the victim's best friend accuses the Medical Examiner of murder. The Doctor is definitely a heel, but is he really guilty of murder?


1x114 (114) Scuba Dying (1)

18 (1x114) Scuba Dying (1)

  • 1998-08-24T09:00:00Z25m

Conan and the gang befriend a group of university students at an ocean resort. When a banded sea snake attacks, a life hangs in the balance! Can Conan uncover the truth behind an attempted murder?


1x115 (115) Scuba Dying (2)

19 (1x115) Scuba Dying (2)

  • 1998-08-31T09:00:00Z25m

A young woman is barely clinging to life and every individual in the group of college students is a suspect. Can Conan make sense of it in time? Or will a murderer escape without a trace?

When a vanished mystery writer begins a new story series, his daughter seeks help from Kogoro to track him down. Conan realizes that time is running out when he finds hidden messages in his new texts.

The codes hidden within the novel are more complex than Conan originally thought. But how can he lead the investigators toward answers without his voice-emulating tie?

While visiting Harley's hometown on the west coast, Conan joins him in investigating a mysterious serial killer case.

Reality and fantasy collide! After the Junior Detective League meets a member of the Laser Police - and Masked Yaiba - a murder takes place right before their eyes!


1x120 (120) The Big Sting

24 (1x120) The Big Sting

  • 1998-10-19T09:00:00Z25m

Richard is invited to a mountain retreat by a former client, but his hopes of romance end when she jumps off of a balcony to her death. Did she commit suicide or was it murder?

Richard loses his Yoko concert ticket and finds Maya instead. The detective discovers the two share some common interests: music, Yoko Okino, and murder!

A blood stain leads Conan to revisit one of the most disturbing murder mysteries of his career. Unless he can get through to Meguire, a killer could walk free!

A popular anchorwoman disappears and the Junior Detective League is called into action! Coded messages, symbols, and wild weather send the gang on a frenzied game of cat and mouse!

Kogoro is hired by a company president to act as his bodyguard because of threats he's gotten. At a banquet, a politician is shot and killed by a sniper while Kogoro's client is grazed by the bullet.

Seiji Ishimoto tells the police about the threat letters after he's approached by the minister's secretary, Tsuneaki Niikura. When everyone leaves the hotel room, Conan searches for clues.

Rachel, Serena, and the Junior Detective League are given backstage access by Tamanosuke Ito to his drama/acrobatics show that specializes in plays depicting “Edo Boy”, a feudal-themed thief responsible for crimes across Japan who has evaded arrest to the present day.

Tamanosuke is seen wandering around Tetsuo’s murder scene and is found attacked by Conan and Megumi.

While at the bank, Conan witnesses bank robbers driving away with the 1 billion yen in a truck.

The Junior Detective League are at attending a soccer stadium match when Conan notices someone shot a ball with a handgun. The police arrive and Conan learns that a culprit called the TV director demanding a ransom or else he will begin shooting at people from inside the crowd.

The caller demands 1¥ billion in exchange for calling the police. Conan, knowing that it is impossible to gather that amount of money in a short time, concludes the caller plans to murder someone regardless of the money.

Serena invites Rachel, to attend a meeting full of avid magic fans she met online.

The members of the lounge decide to leave the Hamano's body untouched to preserve the crime scene and retreat back into the lounge.

Conan recreates the crossbow attack on the top floor and lures everyone outside. Using a tranquilizer, Conan knocks Serena out and reveals the culprit.

The Detective Boys accompany Ayumi Yoshida to Mitsue Mika, her barber, for a haircut. They discover that Mika died after being strangled by an unknown culprit.

The Detective Boys are on a camping trip but Dr. Agasa forgot the tent. They wander to a castle owned by Masuyo Mamiya, meet Katsuo Tabata, Mitsuru Mamiya, Takahito Mamiya, and learn that there's a secret treasure somewhere inside.

Haibara leads the investigation and is accompanied by the Detective Boys.

The Detective Boys, accompanied with Dr. Agasa, attend the final opening day of a theater as it is about to be demolished. They meet the theater owner, Akio Muramatsu, and his employees Minoru Furuhashi and Yuriko Tomosato. Seiji Haruta, a sadistic real estate agent, arrives and announces his plan to tear the theater down to make way for new business.

After gaining sufficient evidence and reviewing Toshiyuki's video, Conan uses Dr. Agasa's voice to shed light on the matter at hand and reveals the killer.

There is a burglar on the loose! But Ayumi is sick so she stays home. When a burglar invades her house, she tries using the detective badge to call for help.

Heiji and Kazuha visit Tokyo accompanied by Kogoro, Ran, and Conan. They run into Heiji's father's friend and are invited to their mansion. There a murder occurs and his father's friend is found dead in a locked room.

Continuing the investigation, Heiji proclaims the butler was the murderer and he is taken away, screaming his innocence.

Ran, Serena, and Conan go to watch the stars. Serena is especially hoping that she will see a shooting star. Ran has a friend at the observatory that helps her use a telescope; he introduces his senpais that work at the observatory. One of them just won an award known as the "Star Pioneer". However, that same night, that same person falls from the higher level of the observatory. Conan knows that this isn't an accident - but how can he prove it?

Conan, Kogoro, and Ran take the overnight North Star Express to Hokkaido to meet a former client. Conan notices that the events is eerily similar to the plot of an unpublished novel written by his father, Yusaku, that had been stolen ten years prior.

Conan reveals the suspicious woman to be his mother, Yukiko Kudo. When Kogoro calls all the passengers to witness his inaccurate deduction, Conan figures out the trick.

The Detective Boys go to the police station trying to figure out who robbed a nearby bank.

Conan continues his investigation, closing in on Keizo, his prime suspect in the stabbing death of his wife, Kayo. With all pieces of the crime in place, Conan understands the hidden truth and drops hints for the officers.

Conan and the Detective Boys wake up at 5:30 in the morning to go get in line for a roller coaster ride. There are only three other people on the train, all of them are trainspotters. One of the photographers waits outside so he can take pictures of the train coming towards him; suddenly, the ladder underneath him tips over and he falls onto the track. The train conductor quickly applies the emergency brakes, and everybody rushes out of the train to find him unhurt. However, when Conan comes back into the train to continue their journey, they find one of the other photographers dead. How can Conan make the officer in charge of the case see sense that this was a murder, not an accident?

At an amusement park, an accident occurs during a Kamen Yaiba playing. As Yaiba jumped from a bungee cord, the cord burns and he falls into the water. 20 minutes later, he is found dead.

Kogoro reveals that he tutored in his youth, and resolves to meet up with one of his students. However, when they go see her, her car suddenly explodes as her sister drives it out of the driveway. Kogoro is determined to solve the case and find the murderer as soon as possible.

With some prodding by Conan, Kogoro surprisingly finds the truth of the case himself. He confronts the criminal, and with some help from Conan, he overcomes his ideals and gets to the heart of the matter.

While on the bus home, Ran meets an old man who later disappears.

In an attempt to find a man and fix her love life, Sonoko goes to the beach with Ran and Conan

After talking with Tadahiko, Sonoko falls asleep in the car, and someone puts it in drive.

Kogoro, Ran, and Conan pay a visit to an old woman. She decides to take them to her grandson, but he's found dead when they get into the house. The bathroom door is locked however. How could this have happened?

Detective Sato is chasing a murderer through the school building where Conan, Haibara, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta happen to be in.

With the help of Conan, Haibara, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta, the case is solved.

Kogoro, Ran, and Conan are waiting for the train when they notice a group of people leaving work on a Sunday. Once they boarded the train the group finds their co-worker dead in an empty train car.

Kogoro, Ran, and Conan are visitors at the 5 story pagoda. After running into the manager, they are invited out to dinner as guest of the temple on him, thanks to the Great Kogoro. The morning after hearing the legend of 5 story pagoda, the manager (who was planning on turning it into a tourist attraction) turns up dead, hanging from the top floor, in a fashion mimicking the legend.

More evidence presents itself as Conan notices there are burn marks on the rope used to hang him, and also a slip knot tied. In addition, there was not enough length in the rope meaning, he would have needed to jump into the noose to commit suicide. Right before the police detective was going to call it a suicide case, Conan stuns Kogoro and reveals the method in which the murder was committed, followed by the key piece of evidence to prove who the murderer was.

Kogoro, Ran, and Conan are at a fancy traditional Japanese restaurant where food is delivered on a small computer controlled boat that navigates over a running stream around the restaurant. Later, a murder occurs and Conan realizes the only way it could have been possible was for a person to be alone, and to use the stream to access the room.

Agasa wins a trip to a beach resort and gives the tickets to Kogoro, Ran, and the Detective Boys. On the plane, Ran falls asleep and dreams about a murder that occurred on an Airliner.

Agasa takes the Detective Boys to his uncles house which has been abandoned fifty years ago for a treasure hunt he had set up.

Conan matches the symbols to the Hiragana table and reveals that the symbols in the objects direct to other objects in the room.

The Detective Boys are in a puppeteer camping trip, where they are practicing for a school puppet play. At the same time, a serial killer has been spotted near the areas of the camp. While at the camp, the students disappear with their puppets, leaving the Detective Boys alone.

Hattori Heiji, bringing along Kazuha, is hired by the rich Takeda family to investigate a series of suspicious suicides that has plagued their mansion in Tottori Prefecture.

Conan and Heiji investigate further into the ghastly death of Nobukazu as well as the suicides of Misa, Kinuyo, and Negishi.

Conan tranquilizes Kogoro and cooperates with Heiji to shed light on the case.


1x169 (169) Venus' Kiss

73 (1x169) Venus' Kiss

  • 1999-11-22T09:00:00Z25m

Kogoro is invited to an aquarium where an underwater play is to take place, A woman's dead body rises from the water when it's her cue to come out of a clam's shell in the play.

Conan detects a change in Ran’s behavior and speculates that she may have something going on. Kogoro, on the other hand, takes them to his doctor Yoshiteru Araide’s house for a checkup.

Conan establishes that Yoshiteru was murdered and finds several clues missed by the police including a broken piece of a vase.
