Detective Conan: Italian Broadcast

Detective Conan XII 2010 - 2011

  • 2010-09-18T09:00:00Z on 快剧
  • 25m
  • 17 hours, 55 mins (43 episodes)
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Comedy, Mystery, Anime, Crime
The son of a world famous mystery writer, Jimmy Kudo, has achieved his own notoriety by assisting the local police as a student detective. He has always been able to solve the most difficult of criminal cases using his wits and power of reason.

43 episodes

Kogoro, Ran, and Conan are invited to assist in a rooftop farm. Once there, they discover the elderly farmer, Takehiko Nakamura, dead from a head injury. The police are brought in and the other three farmers are interrogated for the death. Conan's discovers a shattered brick with a hole and discerning how Nakamura was murdered, tranquilizes Kogoro and reveals the farmer Marie Inoue to be the murderer. Conan reveals that she hung a brick on the handrail and concealed it with a towel and lured Nakamura to it with a phone call. When he was close enough, she pulled a rope connected to the brick hitting him on the forehead causing him to lose his balance and having him fall into the corner of the water tank. As evidence, Conan explains the towel's paint mark is from the handrail and that the rope must be in Inoue's home. Inoue confesses and reveals that Nakamura killed her crop which were grown from her father's final harvest.

Ran discovers a receipt for a necklace in Kogoro's wallet and discerns that he is going to give it to Eri as a birthday present. Ran decides to enter a raffle draw to win a luxury hotel trip for her parents and succeeds in winning the tickets. Eri reschedules to meet her client at the hotel upon hearing about the supposed necklace. Her client, Akiho Koukuba, enters Eri's room after getting into a fight with her husband, Takehiko Koukuba, and falls asleep. Eri arranges for Takehiko to retrieve his wife and leaves to eat dinner with her family. She returns to her room, disappointed by Kogoro's behavior and the lack of a present and opens a carbonated drink but is soaked by the can; After showering to wash off the drink, she returns and finds Akiho dead in her room.

That night, Conan realizes how the murder was done and who the culprit is. The next day, he drops a hint for Kogoro by spilling ketchup on a food cart which creates an evenly spaced ketchup stain on the floor, miming the victim's blood stain. Kogoro has the police gather the suspects and declares Takehiko to be the culprit. He reveals that Takehiko placed his toy cars under the bed legs allowing the bed to easily slide. They evidence it with Takehiko's statement, when he said that James Dean's car was a Porsche 911, but in reality it was a Porsche 550; revealing he used the 550 in the crime. Takehiko asks how would he know Eri was going to take a shower. Eri reveals that Takehiko filled her fridge with only carbonated drink and Takehiko knew that Alcohol would make one thirsty. As evidence, the murder weapon, the ashtray in Takehiko's room, should contain Akiho's blood. Takehiko confesses and reveals that Akiho threatened to kill him to inherit his money.

Agasa takes the Detective Boys to the house of a famous aquarium designer, Nishida. Kousuke Imura lets them into Nishida's home when Nishida does not answer the door. The Detective Boys find Nishida drowned in his bathtub. The police determine that Nishida died the night two days prior and from falling asleep in his bathtub due to alcohol consumption. Conan's disproves the theory explaining that the bathroom light was not on when they found him. The police investigate Imura's alibi which confirmed he was in Guam for the past two days at a shooting range. Conan investigates and realizing how the murder is done, impersonates Agasa's voice and declares Imura the murderer. He explains that Imura used the cooler from the shrimp's tank to fake the time of death, evidenced by the wet glue that has yet to dry on Nishida's fingertip and the dead shrimps in the same aquarium.

Kogoro and Conan are taken by Ran and Sonoko to a Rooster Festival. Ran and Sonoko sneak off to have their love fortunes predicted. Sonoko reads Ran's fortune which strongly suggests her to be feminine and avoid mannish conducts. Sonoko is then robbed by a man wearing a hyottoko mask who flees with her purse towards Ran. Ran, hesitant by her love fortune, does not incapacitate him with karate and allows him to escape. Kogoro explains the man has been dubbed as the Rooster Man and is a serial robber at Rooster Festivals. Ran and Sonoko takes Conan with them to visit the festival again to have their love fortunes retold. A woman's scream is heard and they discover that the Rooster Man was spotted and stabbed a man before escaping. Before losing consciousness, the stabbed man, Shiro Masuko, tells Conan it is not rooster but saru (猿, lit. monkey) and shows him nine fingers. Conan investigates the backpack left behind by the Rooster Man and discovers all the possessions stolen by him.

It was discovered the button did not belong to any of the suspects. As Conan investigates, he is able to deduce Masuko's message when he realizes it is related to the Chinese zodiac and reveals to Kogoro that the culprit is Shinji Mizunoe. Conan explains that the ninth sign of the Chinese zodiac refers to Monkey and is written as shin (申, lit.) in Han. Nine also dictates the Sexagenary cycle where the ninth celestial stem Rén (壬) can be read in as Mizunoe in Kunyomi. As for Mizunoe's alibi, Conan explains Masuko was the original Rooster Man and Mizunoe only impersonated him in an attempt to murder him. Conan suggests to Kogoro to have the police investigate to see if the button belongs to Masuko. They discover Ran has the button and realize Mizunoe may attack her for it. Ran is tasered by Mizunoe and has her wallet taken from her. Before killing her, Mizunoe finds Ran's love fortune and reads its content which suggests Ran to be herself.

Conan, Ran, and Kogoro arrive in Hiroshima to meet a film crew who plan to film them touring Miyajima, Hiroshima. The assistant producer, Yuuichi Kitamura, gets severe stomach pain that causes him to be bedridden. They take a ferry to Miyajima and begin filming. In front of Itsukushima Shrine, a crew member finds out salt was added to his drink; the film crew then notices a familiar man in a crowd and assumes him to be at fault. The film crew arrives at a red-leaf bun pastry shop owned by Yayoi Ayase which has a specialty of red-leaf bun called Misen's Seven Wonders, based on the seven wonders of Mount Misen: The eternal flame of Daishō-in, The plum tree grown from Kūkai's khakkhara, a boulder that ebb and flows the saltwater of Hiroshima Bay, a boulder inscribed with Kūkai's writing, the sound of a goblin's clapping, a special cherry blossom that undergoes deciduous all season long, and lights dubbed as dragon fire over Hiroshima Bay.

Realizing only the wonder left is the dragon fire, the film crew decide to let Kogoro investigate in order to stop Shinroku before he attacks them again. As they learn more about Shinroku, the director is stabbed with a dragon designed dagger and hospitalized as a result. That night at the hotel, the culprit attempts to sneak into a room and attack someone but is ambushed by the crew and police. They reveal they moved that person away and declare the culprit to be Yuuichi Kitamura. Conan tranquilizes Kogoro and reveals Kitamura was the cause of Yayoi's parent's deaths as he had been hiking in a dangerous area and a button of his was found by Shinroku. Shinroku realized who the button belonged to two weeks prior when he saw a picture of the old crew and investigated Kitamura in Tokyo. When Shinroku met with Kitamura in Hiroshima, Kitamura drugged him with sleeping pills and disguised him as himself to establish an alibi.

Kogoro is called to meet with Toshio Higashiyama at his company building and takes Ran and Conan with him. Upon entering the building, they are asked to call his sectional number, 423. After getting in contact with him on the phone, they witness the employee Fujihiko Takahaka, fall from the building to his death. The police are called to the scene and enter Takahaka's office discovering a typed suicide note. Conan notices the window is open, a dry spot over the ledge of the window, and a piece of a theatrical property was found on the body and gives Kogoro hints allowing him to deduce Takahaka's death. He reveals the prop is the one used in fictional children's show where when shot with a laser gun, deflates. The prop was used to keep Takahaka's inert body from falling out the window, and was deflated resulting in his death and allowing the culprit to establish an alibi.

Agasa takes the Detective Boys with him to a sauna as he fixes his product. At the sauna, the kids are introduced to four cast members filming a drama about a hitman. Since the sauna is crowded, the kids decide to bathe in the early morning. As they head to the sauna, Ai and Ayumi discover the Ganji Tetsuyuma, the scriptwriter, dead. The police arrive and conclude that Tetsuyuma slipped on a bar of soap and hit his head on the rocks. Conan reveals it was a murder and points out that water on the victim's body reveal the culprit washed something off and deduces it to be blood. The police assume the culprit waited at the verandah for the victim before committing the murder and begin searching for people entering the sauna without alibis; the suspects are the three other cast members.

As the police continue their investigation, they discover a plastic tea bottle filled with water in the dressing room, match cinders floating on the water, and Tetsuyuma's silver-gemed ring. It is also revealed that all the suspects have been seen in the hotel after the sauna was closed disproving their previous theory. Conan uses his voice changing bowtie to impersonate Agasa to reveal the one waiting on the veranda was the victim and the Tetsuyuma spotted heading to the sauna was the culprit Junsaku Tansawa in disguise. Conan explains Tansawa tricked the victim into staying in the women's sauna all night in order to see the naked Mishio Natori, the heroine; This is evidenced by the bottle in the dressing room which Tetsuyuma used to stay hydrated and the match cinders used to smoke his pipe. As evidence towards Tansawa as the culprit, Conan reveals that he was completely engrossed in pretending to be Tetsuyuma that he took the silver ring without noticing.


1x599 (599) Friend of Justice

Conan and Ran are on a train and are confronted by a pickpocket but is saved by an elderly man named Tokuma Norizuki. As the train passes Sugamo Station, they notice the police investigating something under the railway. Conan and Ran discover that a man named Kanemura, a local conartist, was killed by a head injury. Norizuki claims he witnessed Kanemura's boss, Takehiko Kiriya, committed the murder. Kiriya said he was called to the crime scene by Kanemura's friend and proclaims he is not the culprit. Conan asks Takagi to investigate on Norizuki and learns that Norizuki's girl friend, Mitsu, was a victim to their conartist group which resulted in her death. Ran is able to stop Norizuki from murdering Takeshi Motegi, Mitsu's conartist and the police arrive. For the previous murder, Conan reveals that Norizuki got off the train 15 minutes late, revealed by the exiting time on his smart card.

Kogoro receives a request from a letter by Mika Tatezato to investigate the murder that occurred at an inn eleven years ago. On the way, they pick up a teacher named Rokurou Tokobi who requests for them to stop by a grave site before heading to the inn. Tokobi explains that Tatsuhiko Numayama, a student of his, drowned in the river by the inn which is owned by Tatsuhiko's father, Banzou Numayama. They meet Kazuki Araiwa who is paying his respects to Tatsuhiko as it is the anniversary of his death. They are later approached by Banzou who tells them to forget about his sons death. They arrive at the inn and learn that Mika Tatezato is not on the guest list. They are then introduced to reporter Bosuke Nohira who explains the kappa spotted in the area is the culprit to the murder eleven years ago; Ran is horrified to realize that the characters in Mika Tatezato can be turned into the characters for kappa. They return to the grave site to search for Ran's cellphone.

As Conan investigates, he realizes how the culprit was able to drown Bonzou with swamp water in his own attic. Conan tranquilizes Yamamura and reveals the murderer to be Tokobi. Conan explains combining the water bottle and the paint bottles would be able to carry enough swamp water to commit the crime; The water was then poured into a basin where Bonzou was suffocated in. This is evidenced by the diluted paint that are currently in the containers. Tokobi professes to the murder and exclaims Bonzou ordered his son to disguise himself as a kappa and play in the river in order to attract customers to the inn. Conan clears the misunderstanding, explaining that Tatsuhiko must have done it on his own accord in secret since he burrowed a paint set from Tokobi instead of buying paint himself. Araiwa confirms Conan's deductions, explaining how Bonzou removed Tatsuhiko's disguise as to not shame his son after his death.

Sonoko takes Ran and Conan with her to cheer for her senior tennis player, Takao Goutou. Goutou collapses in the middle of the match due to poisoning and is rushed to the hospital. The ones who are suspected to have poisoned him are one of the two girls he is dating, and Sonoko who becomes the prime suspect when poison is found on her glove. Conan tranquilizes her and reveals the culprit to be the captain of the tennis team, Fumihiro Azuma. Conan explains Azuma high-fived Goutou with a poisoned glove and poisoned his hand; thus explaining why poison was found from Goutou's drink, towel, and Sonoko's glove. As a result, Goutou ingested the poison when he licked his fingers while changing the grip to his racquet. As evidence, Azuma's glove was found hidden in a tennis ball and poison was confirmed to be on it. Azuma confesses explaining Goutou injured him purposely to usurp his position in the competition and consequently made him lose his sponsors and scholarship.

Conan, Mouri, and Ran are lost in the woods and arrive at a mansion where they are introduced it a fan club for Kira Miyahara, the heroine of a movie titled Blackmagic Girl who was supposedly killed in a car accident a year ago and whose body was never found. They are introduced to the club members: Kouji Yatsukawa, assistant director of Nichiuri TV; Reiki Hirasaka, the creator of the Blackmagic Girl series; Shouko Utakura the aspiring gravure idol; Yutaka Kani the president of Kira's fan club; Kazuo Hoonogi the doctor; Maho Izumi, a timid member of the club; and Ryuuichi Mifune a cosplay cameraman. They tell Kogoro that they are holding a séance to communicate with Kira Miyahara. During the séance, ghostly signs begin to show themselves and Kira's voice has heard swearing vengeance on her killers. Conan and Kogoro reveal the special effects to be activated by a remote control in Hirasaka's possession.

Hoonogi reveals that he discovered Hirasaka in his room dead. Kogoro breaks open the room and confirms Hirasaka died from drinking poisoned wine. The police arrive at the mansion where Kogoro shows them both locked rooms. In the séance room, Kogoro explains that the front door was padlocked from the inside and the only way out is through high window. The high window can only be opened with a switch in the room. In Hirasaka's room, a small window is found above the door but too small to fit a person through. On the floor of the room were the ripped posters of Kira from the séance room. The keys to both rooms were found in Hirasaka's drawer. The police interview the club members and discover Hirasaka, Hoonogi, and Sawanami have received threatening messages from a fan of Kira and their goal with the séance was to find the culprit. They deduce that the one sending the messages, swapped the recording, is the same person who committed the murders.

Conan investigates the two rooms one last time and brings Kogoro to the séance room and tranquilizes him. Conan reveals that after the culprit killed Hirasaka, he locked the room from the outside, and used one of the giant Kira posters to slide the key back into its drawer and close it before ripping it into pieces and throwing it into Hirasaka's room. As for the séance room murder, the culprit used the remaining posters, rolled them up, and taped them allowing them to support his weight and giving him the support to leave through the window; a rope tied to the poster allowed him to pull it out with him outside the window and its ripped remains are found in Hirasaka's room. He closed the window with the use of Hirasaka's remote controlled appliance. Conan then points out Mifune as the culprit, evidenced by the wine under his necktie. Mifune confesses and explains he was dating Kira before she died.

Sumiko Kobayashi is called to be a jury for a murder Tadashi Ishigaki. Toshio Iwamatsu, a burglar who broke into Ishigaki's home, is held accounted for the murder and Eri Kisaki is assigned as his attorney and Reiko Kujo acts as the prosecutor. Kogoro, Ran, and Conan attend the hearing where Ishigaki's housemaid and brother-in-law deliver their testimonies of discovering the body. Unable to find the murder weapon, the court ends without a decision and will resume the day after. During the session, Sumiko notes aloud that the painting in Ishigaki's room is upside down prompting Kogoro and Conan to investigate the room. Inside the painting, they find a document stating Iwamatsu burrowed money from Ishigaki. Conan deduces the culprit took a document and placed the painting upside down in his rush and discovers that a vase in the room is missing after Ishigaki's murder.

Due to the housemaid's behavior, Conan pressures the housemaid about the vase. That night, Kogoro and Conan ambush her in the middle of returning the vase to the crime scene. The next day, court resumes and Reiko presents the documents pertaining Ishigaki's burrowed money and the murder weapon found in a distant pound. Eri calls the maid up as a witness who explains she found the vase at a garbage collection point. Eri then calls upon Kogoro whom Conan tranquilizes and reveals the culprit to be the brother-in-law, Tooru Tsukano. Conan explains that after Tsukano murdered Ishigaki, he took a document, hunt up the painting, and hid behind the door as Iwamatsu entered the room and knocks the vase to Tsukano's feet. Tsukano hides the knife and gloves inside the vase and leaves the vase at the garbage collection point and establish and alibi. He then afterwards placed the knife in the park and disposes the gloves he used to commit the murder.

Kogoro appears in a commercial to promote white chocolate for White Day and is invited to a chocolate company's party. Kogoro, Ran, and Conan attend and are introduced to the company presidents, Taruto Urai and his wife Hoshie Urai. During the party, Taruto dies from cyanide poisoning. Inspector Megure and his Officers are called to investigate the death. The investigation leads Hoshie to be the prime suspect. As she is taken away to be searched, Hoshie trips and falls on a table causing many lemon tea glasses to shatter. Meanwhile, evidence of a medicinal wafer containing poison is found in Urai's mouth suggesting suicide. Conan is ascertain Hoshie to be the culprit and investigates on how she delivered the poison to her husband.

Conan investigates and upon discovering the method, tranquilizers Kogoro and explains how Hoshie committed the murder. He explains the burn marks on Hoshie's napkin indicate cyanide was on the napkin and the poison was placed on a lemon slice. Conan elaborates explaining how Taruto was famously known to hate sour things, and had planned to surprise his guest by eating sour food with the use of synsepalum dulcificum. Upon testing if the synsepalum dulcificum was still in effect, Taruto ate the poisoned lemon slice. While down, Hoshie took the lemon and placed the medicinal wafer in her husband's mouth and hid the lemon slice among the others during her fall. Conan concludes that Hoshie's fingerprint and Taruto's saliva should be on the poisoned lemon slice. Hoshie confesses revealing her motive is revenge for her former boyfriend who Taruto pushed to suicide.

Heiji and Kazuha arrive at the Mori Detective agency revealing he was hired by a man named Shinichi Inubushi, one of the eight illegitimate children of the rich Tsunechika Inubushi. After Tsunechika's death, the health of his wife, Satomi, begins to fail and subsequently two of the illegitimate children are murdered. Believing the murderer is after the inheritance, Shinichi surrenders his share and takes up his mother's surname, Kudo, and has Heiji investigate the murders. Heiji and Conan drop by Kudo's home only to find out from his personal care assistant, Funae Abukawa, that he is asleep. After half an hour, they discover Kudo dead from Carbon monoxide poisoning caused by a single charcoal burner. Their investigation reveals Abukawa is the murderer, as Kudo's body revealed he died much earlier and a single charcoal burner would take too long to fill the entire room.

Mori takes Ran, Kazuha, Conan, and Heiji to the Inubushi household where they are introduced to the family. They learn about the legend passed down in the Inubushi family where their ancestor set his dog on fire after mistakenly assuming the dog killed his daughter while in reality, the dog saved his daughter. The ancestor was then killed in a house fire and the myth of the Inubushi curse was passed down. Conan and Heiji decide to investigate the headstone of the supposed dog when they witness Saki Inubushi fall from a cliff. Saki claims an ablaze inugami chased her and dies shortly after. Conan and Heiji discover flaming dog-prints atop the cliff establishing Saki's story. Inspector Misao Yamamura is called to the scene and joins them on their investigation. They discover that the other three victims had a pachinko ball, table tennis ball, and marble beside their bodies. Conan and Heiji return to Saki's crime scene to investigate.

Ran and Kazuha retreat inside the house and discover the inugami is gone. Conan and Heiji's investigation leads them to find conclusive evidence Saki's death was planned by the culprit. After hearing Ran and Kazuha's story, they realize the culprit is housing the inugami nearby and investigates an abandoned cabin. Inside the cabin yields evidence of a dog living there confirming their deduction. Nearby, Tomoaki Inubashi is pounced by the inugami and receives minor burns; an onion is found near the attack. Heiji asks Miyuki Inubashi about the family history and learns that Tsunechika had planned names for all eight of his illegitimate children which are based on the eight virtues of confucianism.

Satomi attempts to leave her room and collapses; she is found holding onto broken Buddhist prayer beads with a black bead four down from the top. Later that night, they discover a letter signed by Miyuki confessing to the crime and is at the abandoned cabin. Conan head there and discovers the cabin covered in gasoline and the inugami running towards it. Conan catches the inugami revealing the fire effect was created by imitation fire clothing with remote-controlled lights. The flaming dog-prints were caused by modified lighters placed on the ground and tied to a wire with a hoop at the end. The dog had a mesh-enclosed charcoal tied to its tail, and when passing over the lighters, ignited them. When the dog retrieved the hoop, the lighter came with it, explaining how the lighters were not found after creating the dog-prints. Heiji points out Tomoaki as the culprit, evidenced by the inugami recognizing him as his master, and Satomi's prayer beads.

The Detective Boys are stranded on a mountain when Agasa's car breaks down. Seeking shelter from the rain they come across a villa where piano music was heard and enter the house when their calls are unanswered. Inside, they explore and discover a diary on the table confessing to a plan of a kidnapping and murdering a boy; a blackout then occurs due to the storm. They find a small coffin planned for the murder and realize its empty and the possibility the boy is still alive. At that moment, piano music is heard again. Conan assures them it will be safe to search the house as the culprit is playing the piano. Ayumi wanders off on her own and finds a photo of a family and a room with water leaking out of it.

Realizing the piano playing they hear is a recording, they enter the piano room. Conan notices the piano chair was set to a child's height and deduces where the boy is. He has the Detective Boys sing a song in the piano room and catches the boy watching them and befriends him. The boy, Keita Onoda, is a piano prodigy to which the kidnapper abducted to allow his daughter to win a piano competition. Conan also reveals the dairy entry is out of order due to Keita's tampering and that the kidnapper felt increasingly guilty as the days went on. After reading the last page in the dairy, they realize the kidnapper plans to suicide in the bathroom and manage to save him. In the aftermath, Keita's mother does not push charges due to Keita's defense. The kidnapper's daughter meanwhile, revealed she skipped the piano competition as she was worried about Keita's disappearance.

Kogoro, Ran, and Conan find a cat belonging to a rich British woman who offers to pay their expenses on a trip to London so Kogoro may share his detective stories with her friends. To get past airport security, Haibara offers Conan two antidotes to the APTX 4869 for the trip and back. At the Holmes museum, Ran calls Shinichi asking him if he wants a souvenir from London. His weak reaction causes Ran to angrily hang up. Outside the museum, a kid named Apollo Glass asks to see Sherlock Holmes to solve a code that will prevent a person from being murdered. Conan offers to solve the riddle by posing as Holme's apprentice. Apollo reveals a strange man gave him a note containing seven coded riddles, declaring someone in London will die if it is left unsolved. They learn from the police that many children received the same code which Conan speculates to mean a large number of people will die. Conan and Agasa separate from the group as they attempt to decode the riddles.

Ran, feeling upset as she believes Shinichi does not share her feelings, is confided by Apollo's sister, pro tennis player Minerva Glass. Minerva then parts ways with Ran advising her love is zero and would never amount to anything no matter the effort. Ran calls Shinichi for advice on the riddles. Conan, tells Ran the first riddle "A rolling bell rises me", refers to Big Ben and accidentally reveals he is in London. Realizing Ran will discover Conan's true identity if she finds him, Conan and Agasa flee from her. Conan becomes cornered in a phone booth and is forced to take the antidote to the APTX 4869 for the return trip and confronts Ran as Shinichi. Ran confesses her pain of liking Shinichi who is indifferent to her feelings and runs away as he pursues her.

The next day, the police reveal the identity of the man who created the note, Sabara Hades. Kogoro and Ran decode the riddle "My portion is like a chilled boiled egg like a corpse" which refers to City Hall. There, they find many dolls with Mazarin Stone written on their shirts where when beheaded, reveals the letter "T". The riddle "I finished up with a whole pickle" refers to 30 St Mary Axe where scratched up pens labeled as Dancing Men reveal the letter "N". Ran and Kogoro revisit Big Ben following the riddle "It rings again for my hatred" and find an arrow pointing to a drain where The Valley of Fear of fear is inscribed. They deduce something had been sunk in the river, and find a drain cover with the letter "A". Apollo leads the two to the next riddle, "Now I remember to ask a cake to celebrate in advance" referring to St Bride's Church where they find letters entitled A Scandal in Bohemia. Soaking the letter in water reveals the letter "S".

Shinichi has returned to Conan again. However Haibara had only given him two pills, he will have to figure something out. Gradually deciphering the note handed out by the criminal, Conan discovers that the place where he plans to attack will be at Wimbledon, where Minerva Glass is supposed to be playing. When they reach the stadium, the criminal has already entered, and since they do not have tickets, they stay outside. However, they can watch the game from a screen that is located outside of Wimbledon. Minerva appears to be losing.

Conan notices Minerva's serves are braille for "help" and convinces Apollo to lend him his ticket in order to enter Centre Court to locate Hades. From the stands, Conan conveys to Minerva he is Holme's apprentice and he will help her. In the same manner, Minerva relays the message "Game Set Death Mom" revealing that at the end of the finals, her mother, Juno Glass, will die. Conan suspects that the teddy bear Juno received contains a bomb and the detonator is with Hades who is presumed to be watching her from across the stands with a video camera. Realizing it would be impossible to remove the bomb without Hades noticing, Conan opts to search for the criminal and asks Minerva to stall the match as long as possible.

Conan locates Hades during Minerva's rally with her opponent and proceeds to his location. He meets his parents on the way who gives him the tickets needed to enter the stands where Hades is located. Yusaku Kudo explains that during a tennis match, the heads of the fans would follow the ball while Hades would continuously look onwards at Juno. With Minerva's help, Conan is able to apprehend Hades who is taken into custody. After Minerva wins the championships, Ran meets with her and tells her Shinichi confessed to her; proclaiming that while love is zero, zero is also a starting point. Conan meanwhile, is given an antidote for the APTX 4869, by his parents for the return trip to Japan.

The Detective Boys sneak into an abandoned building that due to be demolished to play hide and seek. While playing Genta hears someone tapping a 2-5-2 code which is used in Japan to call for help. They find two construction workers who claim to be surveying the area before destroying the building by implosion. Conan quickly deduces they are confining a person in the building due to regulations preventing the building they are in to be imploded. The criminals, realizing they have been figured out, seal up the building and chase after the kids. Conan is knocked out by his rebounding soccer ball and Ai is captured. The criminals prevent the remaining Detective Boys from calling the police by threatening to kill Conan and Ai.

Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, and Genta hide in the lockers where the criminals confine their hostages. The criminals attempt to call the hostage's home for ransom but is answered by a young man. Concluding their plan to be a failure, they opt to set the building ablaze to hide the evidence. Conan communicates to the Detective Boys by tapping his detective badge, and orders them to call their cellphones to lure the criminals out of the room. After doing so, Conan incapacitates one of the criminals and tricks the other one into fleeing the building. The second criminal is then knocked out by Subaru Okiya who picks up the kids and reveals the kidnappe to be Agasa. Subaru reveals he deduced Agasa's situation from observing the house and receiving the ransom phone call and had tracked the kids down using Conan's spare glasses. Meanwhile, Agasa reveals he tapped the 2-5-2 purely by coincidence while hoping others would notice.

Chiba searches the storage room of Teitan Elementary for a thirteen-year-old VHS tape from his childhood love, Naeko Miike, which contains the reply to his love letter. At the same time, the Detective Boys are sent to the archives to search for a tape for their teacher. Chiba reveals to them that he received a phone call from Naeko Miike asking him if he has seen the tape, prompting him to resume his search for it. Conan deduces the tape contains the video Chiba and Naeko filmed years ago and finds the tape has been recorded over. He realizes Chiba was pron to sweaty hands and reveals Naeko wrote on the side the tape with red permanent markers which reveal she reciprocated Chiba's feelings. Chiba attends the school reunion only to find out Naeko did not attend.

Kogoro attends his alma mater and takes Conan, Ran, and Sonoko with him. A university student named Sonsaku Tsujiei asks Ran if she could examine how realistic their corpse is and guides her along with Conan and Sonoko through a haunted house production hosted by Tsujiei and his three friends. Inside the set, Anna Tadami dies after convulsing on a table. The police conclude it to be suicide after finding a cyanide capsule in her mouth and her past obsession with death. However, Conan points out that marks on the victim's face revealed an unknown assailant forced Tadami to bite into the capsule allowing the police to consider the possibility of murder.

Conan investigates the scene and deduces Tadami was already dead before they arrived in the room and that the culprit feigned her convulsion in order to fake the time of death. He tranquilizes Sonoko and explains his deductions to the police revealing the culprit went under the table and used his feet in place of Tadami's which caused the convulsion. He declares Tsujiei as the culprit, evidenced by Tsujiei's toe nails which were painted red to match Tadami's feet. Tsujiei confesses and reveals Tadami encouraged their terminally ill friend into suicide a month ago because she wanted to see a person die.

The Phantom Thief Kid sends a notice to Jirokichi Suzuki announcing he plans to return three stolen artifacts belonging to Sakamoto Ryōma: the letter, a cup with Ryōma's blood, and the pistol; during the Ryōma exhibition. Jirokichi persuades the owner of Ryōma's items, Shishihiko Tarumi, to host the exhibition in his museum while he sets up a trap to capture Kid. Sonoko, Ran, and Conan visit Jirokichi for more details. While there, they receive a second notice from Kid who announces his heist will take place the following day and quotes Ryōma on his plans to clean up. Conan deduces Kid ascertained the day due to the forecasted rain and advises Jirokichi to install metal detectors in the museum.

On the day of the heist, Conan is confronted by Kid in the bathroom stalls who reveals he was able to bypass the metal detectors by removing the lead from the pistol. As Kid leaves, Conan overhears Tarumi and his appraiser hoping Kid succeeds in his plot. Kid appears at the announced time and publicly claims he is cleaning up before setting off the fire sprinklers; he blends into the crowd who are also soaked from the rain and makes his escape. The water washes off the description plates in the museum revealing messages from Kid detailing the items in the Ryōma exhibition are fake and how Tarumi had been creating forgeries and selling them to the black market. This is confirmed when they discover many identical copies of the letter, cup, and pistol returned by Kid. As evidence, the blood on the cup is revealed to belong to Tarumi's appraiser and partner in crime.

Conan, Ran, Sonoko and the Detective Boys are invited to a small island resort for diving lessons. While exploring the island, they find a filming crew lead and directed by Yuuya Miyasaka, an actor who lost his fame due to assault causing the drama he starred in to cancel. When the weather turns bad, they all return to the resort. Later, Miyasaka is found dead in his room. The resort staff, film crew excluding Miki Kitagawa, and Conan's company meet in the lobby to discuss the identity of the murderer. Due to the rooms having an automatic lock when closed, they conclude Miyasaka had let the perpetrator into his room and suspects it to be the work of one of the crew members.

Kitagawa returns to the lobby and exclaims she saw Shingo Takayama, the cameraman, fleeing from the resort. Led by Kitagawa, they find Takayama's body off a cliff. After investigating Miyasaka's body and the camera which recorded the first instance the body was found, Conan realizes who the culprit. After tranquilizing and impersonating Sonoko, he reveals Miki Kitagawa as the culprit. He reveals that the instance they found Miyasaka, he was feigning death as a prank. After everyone except Kitagawa goes to the lobby, she committed the murder and exchanged the knife, evidenced by the stains on the knife's handle. She then proceeded to murder Takayama who was an accomplice to Miyakasa's prank to hide her alibi. Kitagawa confesses and reveals her as vengeance after her first big role as an actor was denied after Miyakasa caused the show to drama to be canceled.
