Detective Conan: Season

Season 7 2001 - 2002

  • 2002-01-07T09:00:00Z on Funimation Channel
  • 25m
  • 18 hours, 20 mins (41 episodes)
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Comedy, Mystery, Anime, Crime
The son of a world famous mystery writer, Jimmy Kudo, has achieved his own notoriety by assisting the local police as a student detective. He has always been able to solve the most difficult of criminal cases using his wits and power of reason.

41 episodes

Eri Kisaki is the attorney for a man named Shinji Usami who is convicted for the murder of Tsuyoshi Hirasawa while in a drunken state. On the prosecution side is her rival, Reiko Kujo, dubbed “The Madonna of Prosecutors. During the hearing, Reiko calls Kogoro to the witness stand, leaving Eri baffled and Conan concerned.

Conan explains that Reiko is taking advantage of Eri’s history with Kogoro by using him on her side. Kameda confesses to changing the time on Kogoro’s phone, thus destroying Shinji’s alibi.

Sonoko invites Ran, bringing along Conan and Kogoro, to come to a house in the hills where their chocolates are blessed with good fortune for love.

Nigaki’s corpse is left to preserve evidence. Kogoro takes Nigaki’s recorder and camera to find leads but only discovers two completely black photos and one stained with blood. Apparently the murder takes place before the snowstorm but Conan feels like there's a trick to it.

Kogoro is tranquilized, and Conan reveals the culprit.

Hideo Morita has come forth to the agency asking Kogoro to find his late wife Mrs. Morita’s watch which he has lost in his house. Kogoro refuses the problem, but the Detective Boys and Dr. Agasa offer to help.

Conan does not think that Idetsuki was attacked by an outsider. The kids detect the scent of flowers coming from the microwave and Conan gets how the crime was committed. Using Agasa‘s voice, Conan reveals the murderer.

Ran, feeling she met the mysterious man before, attempts to remember why.

Conan's investigation leads him to discover the meaning of the symbols. He drops hints for Joseph Meguire to deduce what the symbols are.

The Detective Boys meet an old woman in the park who feeds and takes care of stray cats, and also likes to give the kids quizzes from a puzzle book she has. The next day she doesn't show up to feed the cats, but the cat Bruce comes with the old lady's scarf around his neck. The scarf has a code and blood on it, and to find and save the lady Conan and the gang must solve the puzzle.

Ran catches a cold and visits the doctor. When there one of the doctor's patients mentions that his apartment is haunted by a girl who was burned to death four years ago. Conan and Kogoro decide to investigate.

The three people excluding the old man are given more back story. One man does not believe in the ghost, one man is a horror movie filmer, and the other man just lives there.

Takagi loses his badge after breaking up a fight between a manager and his singer. He searches for it with the help of the Detective Boys.

While at the Professor's, Conan recalls his last meeting with the Black Organization. Conan deduces that another Black Organization member must have been at the hotel party. This is when he finally singles out Chris Vineyard as his suspect.

Heiji immediately destroys the theory of suicide, by showing that the man who fell from his apartment attempted to grab onto the curtain to save his life.

The Detective Boys and Agasa go and watch a soccer game of the Tokyo Spirits vs. Noir Tokyo. On the way back they see a very rude and loud supporter who has gotten kicked out of many stadiums for his crazy behavior. They all get on a train to go home, but as they are exiting to change trains they see the rude supporter fall on the floor with a knife in his stomach.

After questioning the 3 suspects Conan still cannot determine who is the culprit, but notices that Haibara is watching the next soccer match on the subway's TV.

The 3 Detective Boys are playing 'make-believe detectives' when they encounter a real case. A man is killed right in front of them, wrapped up in a sheet and thrown into a truck.

Kogoro, Conan, and Ran are driving in the mountains when they run out of gas and are kindly picked up by Majima, the president of a furniture company. Most of the people that work for him and live with him seem to hate him, so it isn't a surprise when Majima turns up dead the next morning in the beautiful house rock garden.

Kogoro accuses one of Majima's employees who was in debt, but is quickly proven wrong. He then accuses Endou, one of Majima's company managers.

Arguing with receptionist for free dinner ticket, one of movie director's crew invited Ran and her crews. However, the director man dies at a restaurant by cyanide but they are unable to find the source poison.

After the case is solved, Ran falls ill. To everyone's surprise, she falls from her chair and collapses on the floor, having memories of certain people she met a long time ago. These people include Sharon Vineyard and the mysterious man.

Ran loses consciousness due to her illness and reminisces about her past with Shinichi in New York.

The performance of The Golden Apple begins. During the climax of the musical, the actor Heath Flockhart, who is portraying Paris, is shot.

Shinichi tells his mother his deductions on the case to have her solve the murder.

Mitsuhiko is missing during the radio taiso day. The Detective Boys ask about his whereabouts from Mitsuhiko's sister and learn he had been going out to an unknown location for the past few Sundays.

Conan's radar runs out of power forcing the group to search for Mitsuhiko in the forest.

Heiji and Kogoro are invited to Okinawa to solve the case of a body that was found on Onikame Island alongside a mysterious carved message by the body.

Heiji tells them the Anchor he found was approximately four to five years old, the same time period on which the strange events have been occurring on Onikame.

When Conan and Heiji find the name "Kaa" and "Chi" written by Miyako many years ago, they realize who the names are referring to. Conan and Heiji have an epiphany and realize the culprit faked Tiara's time of death.

The Detective Boys along with Kogoro, Ran, and Sonoko take a trip to Kumamoto, Kumamoto so the Detective Boys may participate in a Tennis Tournament. While Sonoko is in the bathroom, Ran overhears three men planning to murder someone. To hide their conversation, the men kidnap Ran.

The police department receive a ransom demanding a large sum for Ran's life. The police send their men to search around town for Ran. Conan and Haibara soon deduce from Ran's description of her location.

Kazuyuki Kawai invites Kogoro, Ran, and Conan to his houseboat for dinner and to view the fireworks. During the fireworks, Kawai's guest, Tsuneo Yamasaki, is found dead from electrocution.

Kisaki found herself defending a burglar being charged by the state prosecutor with murder instead of manslaughter

Conan went along with Kogoro during the investigation.

Kogoro has won another contest and so he, Conan and Ran go on vacation, where four friends recognize him as the famous detective Kogoro Mouri. He has dinner with them, which is interrupted by a rude man trying to buy one of the friends' businesses, but they refuse to sell.

The rude man is found dead, hit on the head with a rock. Kogoro immediately suspects the four friends who all had motives, but when he questions them they all have alibis.

Agasa takes the Detective Boys to watch a parade. They run into Sato, who explains that they received a bomb threat and believe it is related to a bomb case three years ago.

After a thorough investigation, Conan realizes that the mail truck never arrived and realizes the explosion was a distraction and what the true motives for the bombers are.

While walking around town the Detective Boys hear a woman in an apartment scream. They investigate the source of the screaming and find a dead old woman stuffed inside of a Sofa.
