Detective Conan: 名偵探柯南 警察學校篇 Wild Police Story

警察學校篇 Wild Police Story 2021 - 2023

  • 2021-12-04T09:00:00Z on YTV
  • 25m
  • 2 hours, 5 mins (5 episodes)
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Comedy, Mystery, Anime, Crime
2021年8月4日,宣布《名偵探柯南 警察學校篇 Wild Police Story》將改編為電視動畫,於2021年12月4日起不定期在《名偵探柯南》中播出。

5 episodes

It's nIghttime at the Metropolitan Police Academy. As the cherry blossoms fall, the sounds of Furuya Rei and Matsuda Jinpei duking it out echo across the premises. Even though they're attending a police academy, Matsuda dislikes Furuya's determination to become a police officer no matter what. Neither one gives any ground as their fight continues. Around 2AM, Morofushi Hiromitsu wakes from a nightmare and hears a knock on his door. Standing outside his room is Furuya, who is covered in injuries. Upon seeing him, Morofushi asks Furuya if he thinks he'll get along with the guy who did that to him. During their morning assembly, standing next to the injured Furuya and Matsuda are their classmates Morofushi Hiromitsu, Hagiwara Kenji, and Date Wataru.

Furuya and Date fight one another during their arresting techniques class. When Date wins, he asks Furuya why he didn't go after his weak point and that he must be stronger than anyone else if he wants to carry out justice. That night, Furuya contemplates Date's words while lying in bed alone. Morofushi arrives at Furuya's room to inform him he's going out. Furuya says he doesn't need anything when Morofushi asks but remembers shortly afterwards that he's out of toothpaste. He exits his room to ask Morofushi, Hagiwara, and Matsuda to pick some up, but they're already gone, so Furuya heads to the convenience store alone. He finds Date outside, who tells him about a past incident with his father...

Hagiwara, Furuya, Date, and Morofushi spot an RX-7FD3S at the police academy. It's apparently Hagiwara's favorite model, and he overwhelms Instructor Onizuka with an impassioned speech when the instructor exits the car. However, the car belongs not to Onizuka but a senior cop who died on duty. The deceased cop's daughter wants to become a police officer, and Onizuka is holding onto the car until then. Later, during heavy equipment training, they discuss Hagiwara's earlier behavior. Hagiwara knows a lot about cars because his family ran an auto repair shop. However, his family's shop was forced to close, and he explains that he's trying to become a police officer because the police force will never go bankrupt. After training, a man approaches Hagiwara and Matsuda...

While Instructor Onizuka is reprimanding his police cadets, Morofushi spots the missing person report for a young girl who went missing the previous night. His friends ask him why he's so interested in the girl, but simply explains that she looks similar to a girl he used to play with as a child and refuses to elaborate. With coaxing from his friends, Morofushi eventually opens up and begins telling them about the murders he witnessed as a child...
