I have never waited so much for any episode. been counting every hour. Dexter smiled at the end.

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This season is completely predictable so far but it doesn't make it any less entertaining. (And still so much better than last season)

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Ok, loving the new style with Angela and how the murder/attack scenes are playing out. Fantastic and so creative. Story is hard to predict which these days is rare. This has now surpassed my expectations for this show and I'm loving it.

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I keep expecting Rita's voice to come down and haunt Harrison like it did Connor in Angel

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They turned Deb into too much of a b*tch, her yelling at Dexter for looking into what happened instead of her pointing it out in the first place was not very ghostlike.

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Was Dexter smiling at the very end of the episode?

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Yup, that was Kurt. And yup he killed Iris. I don't know what was the reason behind showing unique serial killer physique in previous episode - could have just showed his face at that point. Or why did they show anything at all if it was meant to be a twist in this episode?
Weird decision.

Honestly, would have being more interesting if Harrison wasn't fucked up and Dexter thought that he was.

What do they plan to do with the rich asshole through? Does his helicopter would play some important role later? If he was a part of the story just to be red herring than he is done for.

The show is back to feeling slightly off.

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He's probably worse than his father. He probably knows the whole family story and has killed before. God knows who. And I still wonder what happened to Hannah. Like Dexter's father, Dexter must take care of him.

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The closer the season comes to an end the slower I watch each episode. I'm kinda intermittent watching because I really don't want it to end now that it's been revived.

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After this episode, all I keep thinking is... how did Hannah really die??

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I don't think Dexter is a monster but I think Harrison might be. Jim as a name really doesn't suit Dexter.

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That smile at the end. God it's so good to have this show and Michael C Hall back.

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Who was that green head girl?

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