Shouts about...

Do No Harm 2013

As usual NBC canceling good shows to make room for stupid ones.

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Awesome show... At least they should had put an ending, it feels incomplete.

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Really good show! Cancelled for a non reasonable reason. Too bad, but at least the complete season is available.

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Post cancelled episodes that are getting burnt off really start to give it a bit of momentum. Cancelled too soon.

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This is fairly entertaining show. Too bad they axed it just after 2 episodes. I am glad at least they're airing the rest of the episodes now.

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Cancelled after two episodes, this is unacceptable and ridiculous.

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I really liked this. Too bad they cancelled it after only two shows.

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Two episodes and cancelled... Too bad I thought this was going to be a good show :( I liked the first two eps

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Shout by Ben

I didn't watch this, but I read yesterday that it has been:

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As a modern retelling of Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde a natural point of comparison is BBC's Jekyll ( from 2007, which is a truly marvellous piece of television.

My first impression, having seen only the pilot episode, is that it might well stand up to the British production, though I remain cautious—even good shows have been known to meet their ends on ratings-related notes. I hope this won't become one of them, though I could see how this might not necessarily be the story for the masses.

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