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Doctor Who 2005


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Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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now... december! :\

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Really great serial!

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Is Moffat gone yet?

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Started out great, but I despise what Stephen Moffat has done with it.

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can't wait for peter capaldi as doctor. he could be the best doctor ever

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one of the best tv series ever

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I just love DW! It's the BEST SHOW EVER!!!

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Love it!!!!!!! Best show ever!!!!!!!!

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One of my favorite shows!!!

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After hearing so many good things about this show I decided to give it a try and I must say that I'm deeply disappointed. I've only watched 2 episodes so far but it seems like it's a (better) mix between Fringe / Supernatural and Torchwood (all of which I don't appreciate).

I'll continue watching, at least some more episodes but I got a feeling that this won't rival with shows like Breaking Bad or The 4400 as the "best show ever", not even in the sci-fi genre.

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best show ever

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i love this shooooow

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What a major disappointment! This show continues to get worse with every episode. The original series was far better than this crap.

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Love the show, I only wish there were more episodes a year

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One of my favorite shows.Instantly fell for it from the episode 1.I like all doctors but i must admit i was most attached to David even thou Matt is just as good!

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Complete agree about it being the best thing on TV :D

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Basically... RUN!

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Had a very good start and kept me watching for about six or seven seasons, where I then started to lose interest. I think I didn't like Matt Smith as much.

Later I ewatched it with my sister, but we stopped after a few seasons. Not sure how many.

Definitely a very memorable show with incredibly good moments.

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I loved it, then liked it, then didn't like it so much anymore. Once Matt Smith became the doctor, I incresingly lost interest in the show. Which is sad, because it had such a good start.

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Forever Favorite. British do it better. x3

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I love this show especially with David Tennant and Peter Capaldi as The Doctor.

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I found the "first series" of Doctor Who to be quite enjoyable. For more, see my review:

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The best TV show ever

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PAOK ρε!!!!!!!

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Season One: 6.9. With bad CGI and some cringe-inducing moments, I thought I would hate this show to no end. However, there are some genuine character moments that I love, I love Christopher Eccleston’s take on the Doctor, and I love some of the interesting concepts. I just wish some of these “enemies” didn’t look so goofy or have horrible motivations or didn’t fart for no reason. With a new Doctor on the way, I’m still hyped because he looks like he will bring a fresh take that might rejuvenate my feelings for this series. I really hope so, because I do like this show a lot, but feel like the story and character development takes a back seat to more cringe moments. Here’s to hoping that Season Two is superior!

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Excellent fun!

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Just rediscovered this gem.Best show ever.

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Best show ever!! Can't wait till December...

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Did not add DELETE now!

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All Hail The Daleks!!!! says a Dalek in Journey's End, S4/Ep13, which a gang of companions, including Sarah Jane, Rose and Donna, helps the Doctor and the TARDIS, which the Daleks are trying to destroy. Oh and we have Mickey, Jackie, the great Martha, Captain Jack and the excellent Gwen and Wilfred pops up too. But the real STAR is DAVROS!!!!!!!! Such an attitude he has! And there's K-9 briefly and Sarah Jane's son. Still emersed in the BBC-A marathon which ends Monday, 12/29, 6 am est, then resumes on 12/31. But there will never be a CLASSIC Doctor Who marathon eh?

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BBC-A running Christmas Invasion again, with Tennant having a rocky regen. Harriett Jones is one great prime minister. Oh, uh, why didn't they show any #9 (Christopher Eccleston) eps in this rerun marathon.

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Still watching the marathon and it's great to see the Matt Smith eps again -- they were very good. President Richard Nixon in The Impossibel Astronaut sees the TARDIS and says, "What the hell is that?"

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Carey Mulligan would have been a great companion -- or even the next Doctor! Oh but she had to have a big movie career after 2007's Blink ep. (Oh still having trouble getting used to the time diff -- I'm posting this at 8:46 pm EST, but it's being recorded as 5:46 PST, right, on the west coast!)

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Okay, BBC-A, you won't show The Doctor's Daughter, but at least you're rerunning Blink with the outstanding Carey Mulligan as Sally Sarrow (S3/Ep10)

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I hope I haven't missed The Doctor's Daughter rerun (though I do have it on dvd). It is such a great ep and Georgia Moffett was outstanding. Just looked at the marathon schedule (writing this Fri., 12/16, 3:30 pm est) and it's not upcoming. Dang! They're repeating repeats but not The Doctor's Daughter!!??!! Frickin' Daleks at BBC-A!

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DW marathon on BBC-A and I'm going backand forth after visiting friends where we (annually) watched A Christmas Story, the 1983 movie of Jean Sherphard's stories -- the best holiday movie! Then I got home and Day of the Doctor!

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I really love the show. Still waiting for more episodes!

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why matt had leave

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it was great love it

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Love it!

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never seen Whitaker in anything else before Doctor Who so i can't comment on her acting ability, but i hear she was good in Broadchurch so i can only assume she is good with dramatic roles. as The Doctor however, she is woefully bad, with her performance coming across as a bad Tennant/Smith impression and her facial expressions look as if she is practising for a gurning competition.

her costume is terrible (looks like she raided Mork from Orks wardrobe), the new Tardis interior is the worst i have ever seen, far too gloomy and depressing and even the new theme tune is terrible. except for Graham, her companions are so wooden, they practically spew wood chips when they speak.

the season 11 finale was underwhelming, and the season 12 finale completely wrecked canon as well as 50 odd years of Who history. the writing is terrible and the new showrunner needs to go if the show ever stands any chance of recovering

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Used to be brilliant, not now.

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Since 1963, Doctor Who has been revolutionary. The show has reacted to the changing world, always left wing, always supporting the individual. Eccleston, Tennant, Smith and Capaldi magnificently portayed a man who had no centre, but was always determined to do (occasional glitches aside) the right thing. My recommendation is to watch the lot but stop at Chris Chibnall (Jodie Whittaker), Jodie could have been a fine - even exceptional - Doctor, but she was undermined by Chibnall's pathetic insistence on resuscitating a sory from more than twenty years ago that had absolutely zero relevance to the Davies/Moffat rebirth (and wouldn't even have worked as intended in the Sylvester McCoy era). Chibnall's laughable idea was that the character played by William Hartnell in 1963 was not the first Doctor - with that single notion he disrespected those people - old series and new series -who had built a mesmerising mythology. Amyway - enough, Everything before Chibnall is magnificent.

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Without doubt, my favorite tv show of all time, Tennant ;-; i miss you senpai

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Watched from Day 1 of S1E1 upto Peter Capaldi's Doctoe Who. He was ok but I found his version e rather boring & too serious. The storylines might have been ok but I was too bored everytime a episode showed and i watched for 5 min. Then Jodie took over - I'm fr fine with a Females being the Doctor. If the master can change into Female too that is k just both their genetic ability cb as aliens. My problem is that JW Doctoe ll Doctor whi became the most Woke , boring /badlybwritten of all seasons and the companiions were Woke /PC Tickboxesm - Old White Male, Black Individyal & even a Brown Homosexual/Bisexual /Pansexual to please the New Gen idiots who n complain about 'inclusion' bs. I am keeping fingers crossed now that JW run has ended, the original writers/directors are returning that maybe this new Doctor & Season can redeem itself and bring back old fans like me. A

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Why are 13x07, 13x08, and 13x09 not listed?

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Okay, this is still on-going but I need to log it in because so many seasons, so many doctors. I'm afraid I won't manage to remember it all. First of all, never seen old Who. Probably never will. Too much tv to see, not enough time. Second of all, I love my doctors. So much I cry everytime one regenerates and then I'm so mad at whoever comes next that I need a year to adjust. Same with the companions. I think I get way too attached. Right now I just finished Capaldi's run and hope I'll get to see Whittaker's turn soon, but I've loved them all. As far as Doctor goes, I have a forever fondness for Ten's run but I found Eleven's turn with Amy and Rory so very compelling (that plus the addition of River who's just amazing). I thought Twelve had a darker tone to his episodes which I thought I enjoyed but they were overall a bit too dark to my taste. Oh well. This is Doctor Who and it is all about grand speeches and epic moments. What is not to love?

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Dr. Who is low budget crap.

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HELP, I need the doctor!!

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The first season was amazing, and the Doctor had so much heart an history. The 10th Doctor is pretty good too, but 11 is just so weird, I can't take it. He doesn't care about anything, and it just kind of seems like bad character development...

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amy and rory's death was so unnecessary, why couldn't they just leave

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Opps episode 14 25 dec13 is missing?

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Why is last episode 13 series 7 missing from Itv3 database?

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Best tvseries EVER. NO competition.

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Best running tv show ever

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It is the best show ever! It is very clever and I think it's the best show on BCC America.

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Like how they change dr.

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I love you Matt as the Doctor and hope the rest of time and space you are loved!

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What more could you ask-,76 years old and still have the heart bump at the supernatural,heavy on the super.

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Seriously, this show is my addiction

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Bloody love it

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totally awesome!

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Best show ever!!!

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Love it!!!!

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Great show! Adventurous, hilarious, heartwarming. Also, David Tennant trumps all Doctors.

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