Pretty solid episode, my favourite of the season so far. Entertaining from beginning to end, very creative, this is just it. That's the Doctor Who I know and love!

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way too one the nose, i just cannot take this season seriously. this was blatantly about amazon and various other political issues. the problem is the show isn't able to portray this situation with nuance - the doctor doesn't actually have to take a stance on corporations and automation, because she is given an extremist over the top villain who takes things way too far to the point where they are no longer a good representation of their side of the issue, and then she gets to fly away without having actual done anything to help "the 10%" who are stuck working meaningless monotonous jobs 40 hours a week.

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love the call back to the Fez. Fees are cool, as are bowtie's.

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What do you mean they're going to go back to exploiting humans instead of robots. What's even the point of making an episode like this if you're not going to actually condemn anything. What a nightmare

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Ryan is so annoying, and Graham always feels so out of place in every single scene he's in. It's as though the people making the show pulled in Bradley Walsh off the street, handed him some lines and said "Give it your best shot!"

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In a society where only 10% of humans need to work due to automation, wouldn't the entire nature of an economy be moot? I feel like the ramifications of where humans are at in this episode wasn't thought of at all.

Also, people getting to do menial tasks REALLY shouldn't be the answer to automation taking jobs. I don't understand why this episode thinks that's a win. Robots/automation should be given the most menial and repetive tasks, leaving humans to have more freedom and stimulation.

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white man villain again? am shocked! oops sorry for spoiler.....but then you knew it already....

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i'm happy the robots didn't turn out to be Cybermen. I felt the opening was there, and it wasn't taken. Which, i'm glad it wasn't - we've seen that done time and time again.

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It was fun. It kind of made me think of the Ood factory episode. She used the paralyzing finger again.

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Well, at least this wasn't a historical episode . . .

The writing in this episode quite mediocre. Wasn't that amazing, but it was nice to hear some references from the previous doctor who serieses.

Ryan still had that akward tone when he spoke. Maybe because of the accent?

Jodie was amazing in this episode.

Overall, nice chapter that offered a fine mystery elements—however failed to resolve for its villain underdeveloped.

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Shout by Ana
BlockedParent2018-11-17T18:32:18Z— updated 2018-11-19T15:20:32Z

It's a fez!!! Doctor received a fez!! I never knew I needed Thirteen in a fez until I've seen the preview! Thank you for that! It looks like it's going to be a really fun episode, I can't wait!

Update: It was very entertaining indeed. Loved the reference to the episode with Agatha Christie.

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Ok, so after an american and a racist being the bad guy, now we get War on Terror mixed with fear of automation?

We had 4/7 instances in this Season in which a human or multiple humans were the bad guys so far.
It should be enough already - This starts to feel more like a lecture on how to behave or not to behave while pointing out the obvious (racism is bad (Rosa), capitalism is bad (Arachnids), Islamophobia is bad (Demons in the Punjab) and now: Terrorism is bad).

On itself the Episode is good in a general sense, mediocre for Doctor Who.
Writing was ok but at points kind of predictable.
Acting was as good as the Episodes before.

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Like an episode of Black Mirror. She needs to keep her sonic screwdriver in her pocket more. The whole show was her waving it to solve everything.

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I’ll be honest with you, I don’t dig this season at all. This is the first episode I actually liked. A decent mystery, we’re finally not on Earth and there’s no preachiness. In short, it works.

Also, was I the only one who mistakenly assumed they were assembling an army of Cybermen there?

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The BBC really woke up and chose violence when they decided to make a whole episode about Amazon

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Missed a great opportunity to have a bald white man at the helm of kerblam!

Wonderful episode and writing. Great fun.

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