Honestly a bit of Scouse was all this version of the Doctor needed :laughing:

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my sister hates Dan so much idk why but it’s really tickling me (i just wanted yaz and the doctor to be on their own and also kiss but i do also feel happy that they’ve been doing fun stuff together for ages)

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I'm crying. I love everything about this season.

Also shout out to Dan & his fam for being purely delightful.

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Tempura command. Amazing, love it.

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Who needs weapons and technology when you've got Frying Pans. Whac-a-mole!
Accents are getting worse!
Another British hotel full of aliens I see Lol.

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Will this season really be a good one? I'm so exciteeeeed <3

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This was great! A slew of hilarious moments. All of the characters were entertaining. The villains were delightfully horrible. Whittaker was on fire. And the ending left me frothing for next week. Yay!

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Excellent. Fantastic portrayal of the Sontarans - arguably the best of the current era - and the Crimean War is a perfect backdrop for them - great visuals with the work of director Jamie Magnus Stone, and the humour that the Sontarans have always had comes through. Chibnall's fantastic at writing classic monsters + historicals so classic monsters + historicals is a match made in heaven, and although his storyline was rather short this week almost echoing The Lie of the Land with the suburban fighting of the Sontarans straight out of The Stolen Earth (and the parents/companion dynamic too!), Dan is already becoming a favourite. The set-up with Swarm and Azure is brilliant - just hope it sticks the landing with both of them. Jodie Whittaker is at her best in the confrontational scenes with the Sontaran/British General - and playing to the Sontarans weaknesses is classic Doctor Who.

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I'm very surprised that they've managed to win me back over in just two episodes! If only Chibbers run could've been like this from the start.

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Solid follow up episode, I did enjoy the Sontaran in the Crimean War plotline, but the highlight for me was the temple, it’s very intriguing. I also have to say Yaz is fantastic this season. I love Azure and Swarm as villains. Dan was so great this episode, he’s a natural and he just got here. That cliffhanger was so abrupt though, lmao

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