Personal Lists featuring...

Doctor Who: Season 4

4x10 Midnight


Top Doctor Who Episodes

by Beth Newbery


Top 10 Favourite Russell T Davies era Doctor Who Stories

by aleksandarmarkovic

Two episodes in a story count as one spot


Movies and shows that take place mostly in just one room.


When Doctor Who was revived back in 2005, it was with writer Russell T. Davies running the show. And, frankly, it was some of the best television I had ever watched. I'd never really been into much sci-fi, and I'd never watched any of the classic series, but with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper, I was drawn to it. I felt like I'd finally been invited into the world of science fiction geekism. And I was very comfortable there.

The writing of Russell T. Davies was astonishing. For its aptitude, its self-deprecation, its emotion and its wit, Doctor Who became one of the best television shows on air. Sadly, when his last episode aired in 2010, I felt that the show changed. I'm not saying Steven Moffat is terrible, but I certainly don't feel the same affection for the show as I once did.

So, below is a list of what I consider the ten greatest Doctor Who stories told under Davies' reign, from 2005 until 2010. To clarify, they don't necessarily need to have been written by Davies himself, but they need to have aired while he was showrunner. I have also counted two/three-parters as one story, earning them one place on this list.


Movies watched with Chicken

by Gilles


Favorite Episodes

by John Beebe



by Deleted

and Sy-Fy


Movies, Series, and Stage, acted in or otherwise associated by Colin Morgan.


_fav eps

by Deleted

_list of the greatest episodes


Favs <3

by Deleted
