The amount of times I lost it laughing at those robot things
Liked the Clara backstory

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Great start to
the second best
Companion of all time.
The energy and the new
life Clara has brought to
thus show was exactly
what it needed,
She's absolutely perfect
in the role and her and
The Doctor are a match
made in The Tardis
This was a great idea
of an episode to throw
The Doctor and his new
Companion in the deep
end and Clara did not
disappoint, she was
amazing throughout.
This episode was a spot-on
idea and so close to real
life on how everything
depends and runs on
WI FI and if anything
truly goes down the human
race would be screwed.
those walking WI FI
Stations were super creepy.
I knew the supreme
Intelligence was still
floating around plotting
his revenge on The Doctor.
Many new and old
questions to be answered
(What Woman in a
Shop gave Clara The Doctors
mobile number as in
The Tardis number,
It's such a limited number
of people that would even
have that number,
(One Comes To Mind).

And I'm Here For Every
Glorious Moment Of IT.

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Shout by Ward

I enjoyed this episode more than i thought i would. I thought it was a great introduction of a companion, and Moffat pulled it off in his third time's the charm in the sense of Clara Oswald (though i think a big part of it is Jenna Coleman's good performance). The plot was pretty good too, but it's the character of Clara and her dynamic with the doctor that really carries the episode.

I like Clara. She's intelligent, charming, caring, with a desire for adventure.

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I'll miss Amy and Rory for sure, but their replacement couldn't be more interesting.

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So, uh, it's impressive this woman can take control of everyone but what about all the people who were watching TV and just saw this news anchor talk about "a steady diet of healthy, free-range human minds"??

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- What chapter you on?
- Ten.
- Eleven's the best. You'll cry your eyes out.

Eleven's the best indeed...

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