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Doom Patrol: Season 4

4x04 Casey Patrol

Danny Street was always one of the best parts of this show. I'm glad we got to see it one last time.

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That was some seriously randomly wacky side-story.
Although I did like how it tied back into the main growing plot at the end.

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It's hard knowing that very few episodes are left, and then getting an episode without the main cast.

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There's something about this season that I don't like. It's like every time I start watching an episode I am missing something. It feels like I missed the first 15 minutes and being thrown in to the middle of a new story. It prevents me from getting into the story and honestly makes me forget what happened in previous episodes. It's too much all over the place for me.

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Doom Patrol has two main things going for it. 1 the courage to be utterly bat$**+, and 2 the cast.

This episode has none of the main cast, and is made of rehashed elements we've seen before, if anything in watered down versions. Also, it looks like it has approximately the budget of a school play.

I understand it's relevant to the season arc, but this would have worked better as a secondary plot in other episodes.

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such a useless episode. You would think it's obvious to have the Doom Patrol on an episode of the show called Doom Patrol.

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A pity, it’s going downhill pretty fast. Story makes no more sense whatsoever. This episode felt like a filler with no connection to the rest. Feels like a chore to watch this show to the end…

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Good grief. The annoying girl who ruined season 3 is back :face_vomiting:

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Worst episode of the show

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This is a shit episode.....

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Oh snap. That was a fun roller coaster ride. Why people hating on this episode. The show sticks to its wacky origins.

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Worst episode of every show ever.
I said this from the beginning of the show but I’m confident now that the writers are high all the time

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