Hated this short film despite liking musicals as a rule.

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The show's quirky sense of humor, catchy songs, and creative production values have earned it a devoted cult following. The performances are excellent, with Harris delivering a standout turn as the lovable yet villainous Doctor Horrible, and the supporting cast of Day and Nathan Fillion providing strong support. The series also benefits from Whedon's signature wit and flair for genre storytelling, as well as its inventive use of the web format to create a truly unique viewing experience. The only downside of the show is that it's relatively short, with only three episodes that each run for around 15 minutes. Nonetheless, "Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" is a fun, inventive, and highly entertaining series that is definitely worth a watch, especially for fans of musicals and superhero stories.

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Oh, this was absolutely terrible. I can't believe I was feeling guilty for not watching this all these years.

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This has been on my watchlist for years and I finally watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you like Joss Wheadon's work or Neil Patrick Harris or Nathan Fillion or Felicia Day - then this is a MUST see short.

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A Whedon family (Joss, Zack, Jed plus Maurissa Tancharoen) web extravaganza (available on DVD), a musical. Perfect cast (Nathan Fillion, Felicia Day, Neill Patrick Harris and Simon Helberg). Typically Joss, bizarre story line. Nothing but off-the-wall farce. I give this web series a 7 (good) out of 10. [Musical Super Hero Farce]

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I really love this :)!

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