Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2021-08-11T23:40:24Z— updated 2021-08-13T12:30:28Z

I actually remembered hearing about this in some docu about gold. There was someone who had the (conspiracy) theory that the US government interveined on behalf of Spain to influence the court ruling. The Americans didn't want that much gold in the hands of a private person because of the influence you get with such wealth. Of course there is no proof but if you think about it it's not totally impossible.

So, what happened to all the coins ? If this should belong, like the one archeologist said, not to one man but to everyone in Spain, did everyone got a share ? Yeah, thought so.
This was about money for both (!) sides. And if Spain knew where the wreck was, as indicated by the records, why didn't they search themselves? Because it's always the private companies who do the work and pay and then the States come in and claim cultural heritage.

Interesting legal story but, althought maritime, again not really "Draining the Oceans".

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