• 13
  • 35
  • 34
  • 2020-03-23T00:00:00Z
  • 50m
  • 2h 30m (3 episodes)
Viewed from space, our blue planet seems as familiar as a long-time friend – so familiar that we forget how extraordinary it really is. As far as we know, our world is unique in the universe, defined by three elements, Air, Land and Water. Each element has its own special properties and phenomena and is home to myriad lifeforms that have infiltrated every habitat, from the deepest oceans to the tiniest nooks and crannies. Across three enthralling episodes, ‘Earth – The Nature of Our Planet’, explores mysteries of the plant and animal kingdoms; weather and geological phenomena and nature’s wonders, from the perspective of the elements. Air, Land and Water are not only the stages for this dramatic theatre of life, but dynamic spheres in their own right, connected to one another through surprising relationships.

3 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 Air

Series Premiere

1x01 Air

  • 2020-03-23T00:00:00Z50m

At first sight, our atmosphere seems empty. But this layer of air is a habitat for life in its own right, and home to a surprisingly wide variety of creatures – the most conspicuous of which are surely birds. Many seabirds, like the albatross or the Atlantic puffin, spend much of their lives on the wing. This way, they cover enormous distances. The record holder among all bird species is the sooty tern, which can stay in the air for months at end, flying thousands of kilometers. Drinking, feeding and even sleeping: the sooty tern performs all vital activities in flight. Only during the breeding season does this frequent flyer come onto land, where it raises its young in large colonies.


1x02 Land

1x02 Land

  • 2020-03-25T00:00:00Z50m

The tectonic plates of our planet are in constant motion. When they collide and grind against each other, earthquakes or tsunamis may result. Paradoxically, the destructive forces below ground are also a source of new life. It begins when plant seeds are transported by the wind to the pristine new islands, germinate and then vegetation takes root. The colonization of new territory is often a matter of chance. When fruit bats migrate to tropical islands, they inadvertently spread plant seeds from one place to the next by means of their excrements; while wind can transport spiders, still clinging to their webs, across vast distances to strange new homes.


1x03 Water

1x03 Water

  • 2020-03-27T00:00:00Z50m

It's ironic that we call our planet 'Earth', when two thirds of its surface are covered by water! The oceans, with their fluctuating water temperatures and global currents, also act as a driving force for local weather phenomena and global climate change. In addition, they provide an immense habitat for a countless variety of species. Some of the most important are microscopically small plants and bacteria. Under the right environmental conditions, they can be seen from space in one of nature's most mysterious spectacles, the algal bloom, a sudden mass reproduction of phytoplankton that changes the color of vast bodies of water into a creeping, luminescent, blue-green expanse. A wonderful vision, but as is so often the case in nature – what is good for some is deadly to others.
