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Electric Universe

All Episodes 2019

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007f130fad94d0>
  • 2019-04-30T00:00:00Z
  • 26m
  • 3h 2m (7 episodes)
  • Documentary
Take a step back in time, 10,000 years ago, when the solar system was vastly different than it is now. All across the globe, ancient tales offer similar accounts of a sky we would not recognize on planet we would not know as home. By examining the mythology from many of these ancient cultures, paired with an understanding of forbidden electromagnetic theories, Wallace Thornhill and Ev Cochrane construct a forgotten history of our planet and civilization. Along the way, we uncover the secrets of an electric universe, where vast magnetic fields and immense strands of lighting construct stars and planets on a cosmic scale. Could all of this be deeply embedded in our biology and genetic codes, explaining some of the greatest fears that we all share?

7 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 The Spark of an Electric Universe

Series Premiere

1x01 The Spark of an Electric Universe

  • 2019-04-30T00:00:00Z26m

Imagine a world of never-ending summer, the sky ablaze with a red glow, prosperity and abundance abound all across the planet. According the Wallace Thornhill and Ev Cochrane, this is a world our ancient ancestors knew, until a great cataclysm befell our solar system and changed the heavens above and Earth below. These tales are embedded in a forgotten science of cosmology, told in ancient mythological tales, and deeply engrained within our genes. To explain the reality of the mythology, they present a new theory about our current universe. One that is not run by the miniscule forces of gravity, but by the spark of electricity that connects everything in our existence.

Coulomb, Weber, Newton and Einstein have forwarded definitions of our universe that modern mainstream science staunchly defends, but these models still fail to explain many of the newest discoveries. Wallace Thornhill and Ev Cochrane complement these well-founded theories with the forgotten sciences of ether and electricity to offer a new explanation of our universe. They reveal a universe that is not limited by the speed of light rather one that is instantaneously connected by electrical forces. What they uncover not only explains many of the strange cosmological phenomena but ancient mythological accounts of the heavens.


1x03 Electric Stars

1x03 Electric Stars

  • 2019-04-30T00:00:00Z26m

Like pearls on a string, stars and planetary bodies form deep in the heart of molecular clouds of gas. Modern science tells us that the minuscule forces of gravity pull these particles together until they ignite as stars, but it fails to explain why. Wallace Thornhill and Ev Cochrane forward a theory of electromagnetic currents, like cosmic lightning, that connect the cosmos and concentrate physical material. Thus, the standard model of the universe becomes invalid when faced with a universe where electrical charge governs the order of all things from the creation of galaxies and stars to the working of biological beings.


1x04 The Birth of Venus

1x04 The Birth of Venus

  • 2019-04-30T00:00:00Z26m

Venus is one of the strangest planets in our solar system, and by delving into ancient myths with an understanding of the electric universe, we may understand the reason. 10,000 years ago, the birth of Venus changed the heavens and captured the allure of storytellers and bards for generations. It may have led to the downfall of the ancient world and given rise to our history, wedding customs, and civilization as we know it. Wallace Thornhill and Ev Cochrane delve into ancient tales of a goddess with disheveled hair or a head full of snakes that may explain a massive change to our solar system as a new heavenly body joined it.


1x05 Deep Memories of Mars

1x05 Deep Memories of Mars

  • 2019-05-31T00:00:00Z26m

Why does humanity have such a fixation with Mars? Something lurks deep within out collective memory which spurs our millennia-long obsession with the red planet. 10,000 years ago, an electrical event wreaked havoc across our solar system, giving rise to the mythology and folklore concerning the aggressive and hostile nature of Mars, as the god of war. Perhaps this same event destroyed the life that once thrived on the red planet, and permanently scarred its surface. Wallace Thornhill and Ev Cochrane delve into the deep memories that humanity has concerning the planet Mars and uncover the evidence of its turbulent past as found in mythology and electric universe theory.

From stars to human bodies, electrical connections run through everything. Wallace Thornhill and Ev Cochrane explore what ancient civilizations knew about our connection to the universe, through the sun, and the latest scientific discoveries confirming these celestial bonds to the galaxy. Ancient monuments, aligned to the movements of the sun, tell us the significance of ancient solar worship and give us a better understanding of the universe we live in. As NASA continues to explore our solar system, scientific evidence reveals the electromagnetic connections between the galaxy and our sun, which extends to all forms of life on our planet.

Eons ago, a massive change came to our solar system, transforming a primordial red-dwarf sun into the planet we now know as Saturn. For the first time ever, life on Earth had to struggle for survival, and many ancient civilizations recorded this transformation using parallel symbolism. Wallace Thornhill and Ev Cochrane decode ancient esoteric symbols, such as looping circles, fire-breathing dragons, serpents, stars and crosses that mimic electric interactions with plasma and tell the forgotten tale of a prehistoric golden age. As we better understand our place in this cosmic tale, we can learn the interconnected nature of consciousness and unlock the future of humanity.
