Watchlists featuring...

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Organized by priority (most excited to see): (High, Medium, Low) High Priority-Medium Priority-Low Priority-Unorganized respectively.

Much like my subjectivity to film, anime, and manga, I am drawn to shows that incorporate thematic elements of the human condition: love, class, economics, politics, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology etc. into an emotional, compelling, critical and—to an extent—technical narrative. These are not hard and fast rules as, like film, I’d still like to explore some classics and other unfamiliar or indifferent genres, but they’ll be fewer, deprioritized and I may be more critical both in choosing to view them and in viewing. I’ll leave my ratings, reviews, and the shows in my lists to further define my subjectivity but I’d essentially like them to aid meaningfully in my reality; if anything, say something insightful and truthful about living. More than any medium, I have spent the least time exploring television. The vast majority of my watchtime was spent with classic cartoons and live action shows often from the CN, AS, Toonami, CW and Nickelodeon networks in my childhood. As I grew older and drew away from cable, I practically transitioned exclusively to anime. And unlike eastern animation, I've found that western animation tends to be (not exclusively but a lot of them) targeted at children and even ones targeted at young adults often lack the depth I've seen even in the most Shounen of Shounens (ATLA probably being the best example of an exception I've seen). Perhaps that's a reason many westerners tend to see cartoons solely for kids. But as much as I would love to explore the crevices of the medium and all it’s lessons and unknown pleasures, adulthood makes it harder to create time to engage with art, so a not so rigid system to sift through the mass must be employed.
